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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Build advise for non-boosters
I have a lvl 14 C, RG & LG. No boost or CE. They won't be studs but I figure that if I build them well they'll be effective backups.

For that reason, how high should I take primary attributes? I'm thinking just 74 natural for Strength (which they have all just reached) and Blocking as that will give me more SP to round off their builds for backup and ST purposes. Or would you say 77 or 80 in Strength is a must?

At the moment, with Strength of 74, lvl gains, 1 notrmal EQ and 3 AEQ, the Center would reach about 133 and the Guards 125 by lvl 48 - which seems quite good.

Edited by 2pies on Oct 8, 2010 09:46:41
Edited by 2pies on Oct 8, 2010 09:45:49
1. If you don't boost you will make at the highest level 41, not 48.
2. If you go to 74 on both str and blk you're using 26 or so levels on 2 attributes. By the time you get agi/spd/vis high enough to match you will be in decline.

On the guards I'd suggest three cap at most on str/blk/agi. (Assuming the run block AT) That can be accomplished in about the same amount of levels that it would take to go 74/74 str/blk. The center probably should go 74 on strength. Any higher and your blocking or agility will suffer too much IMO.

Here's my only non-boosting lineman:

I went 70 agi, blk third cap, str third cap. With the rest of his SP, I plan on capping sta/vis/con (6 levels) and the rest in to foundation and protect (with level 40 upgrades he'll only need 4 SP in protect to get it to 10, so his top SAs will go 2-2-4-1-10).

One thing to remember about non-boosters is you're not going to be able to out-attribute boosters because they will always be able to take their primaries to higher levels. To be competitive you need to balance your build out by your early-mid 30s. Beat them with the secondaries and tertiaries that they have likely only trained (or possibly haven't even touched yet) when they're in their 30s. And always plan on carrying 4 pieces of AE.
Great advise, thanks

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