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Forum > K/P Club > Rate My K/P > Level 33/30 P
sunder B
Bruce Leg (Lv. 33 P)
Ht/Wt: 5'11", 250lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $4385
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 12
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 425/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 75.92
Speed: 16
Agility: 36.36
Jumping: 17.36
Stamina: 16
Vision: 46.36
Confidence: 68.92

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 15
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 109.92 (+29)

Special Abilities
Punting Abilities
Calm Nerves: 3
Hang Time: 4
Big Boot: 1

Additional Abilities
Diving Tackle: 0
Veteran Abilities
Nail in the Coffin: 9
sunder B
All SA's are from equipment.

Punting, strength, confidence, and vision are all trained to 95-99% and just waiting for while on those.

How's it looking, and where to go with next level up? Was going to spend the first two points finally capping vision.
There is no reason to wait to train attrs over unless you plan on spending more SP in them.

Punting is hurting, but there's not much you can do to fix it now. 5th cap str, and maybe 4th cap con, then start working up vision.

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