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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > ST MVP formula bugged - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Time Trial
Originally posted by VolBrian
Indicates where I think this thread should likely go, but I'm really on the fence on this one. I think you're asking for a nerf to punters, the thread you linked most certainly is. I disagree with that. What I think is "not working as intended" (I can also put quotes around it and be snarky too people) is that the total punt yards or even total punts may be factoring heavily into the calculations and if that's the truth, then Punters winning MVP is an unintended result of Blowout Adjusted Stats working in their favor and against returners.

If it's decided solely on punting average, then punters most certainly deserve a shot at MVP. I have a punter averaging 46.4 ypp and I'm sure there are some closer to 50.

It is for this confusion and/or unknown/needs-to-be-tweaked formula that I think this deserves a closer look.

Likely a bug.

Of course my punter is better because he's nailing his coffin corner attempts. But Bort doesn't have a stat penalizing Punters for touchbacks, nor does Bort reward punters for kicking the ball out of bounds instead of sending it deep.

There ought to be a stat for punters called 'out of bounds avg.' (average yard mark the ball goes out, if a touchback is kicked it counts as out at the 20) or 'coffin corner from' (similar to the range that kickers are making field goals from).

This will more accurately allow you to consider the abilities of the punter. Also, you are only rewarding distance (and perhaps tackling), when the punter should be rewarded for the following:

Hang time of the Punt
Coffin Corners (rewarded)
Touchbacks (punished)

The fact that the Punters are only being measured on the first two catagories is not reflective at all of a quality punter.
I 100% support this thread.

The top WL ST MVP candidates are currently the 3 punters on the worst 3 teams in WL. Bug imo...

STs MVP should be weighted by importance:

The current formula is the exact opposite.
I absolutely cant see calling this a Bug.

We do not know what the formulas look like for the ST/MVP nor the Offensive or Defensive MVPs.

In my honest opinion these threads belong in the Suggestions Forums and should be looked at, but as far as calling the ST/MVP selections bugged, I think we are way off base.

Im sending this one for QA determination.
Hey this made it to my domain!!

I posted this in the thread in the main forum:

Originally posted by robponce
Hey someone finally noticed this. WL ST MVP is a joke.

Last year my KR/PR had the following as awards:

Punt Return Yards (Zeta) - GOLD
Punt Return TDs (Zeta) - GOLD
Punt Return Avg (Zeta) - GOLD

Kick Return Avg (Zeta) - GOLD
Kick Return TDs (Zeta) - GOLD

He rarely was ever even on the list for MVP.

Unfortunately, this is not a bug.

It's following game design correctly, however flawed that may be. There is no bug in the way it's being executed. Think of it as a car driving on the wrong side of the road cuz the driver is an idiot. In that case, there may be absolutely nothing wrong with the car (no bug) but just an idiot driving it (formula). Suggestions would be a good spot to start with this one.

Just make sure you amp it up with support for my very own WL KR/PR.


*First Verification - NOT A BUG*
Edited by robponce on Oct 5, 2010 11:10:12
this is not a bug.

However, I do, personally, also believe that the formula could be improved.

bug = something not working as intended. the ST MVP is working as intended.

Second verification.
i will try to talk to catch to try and get some sort of official improvement discussion started on this topic. but this thread = not a bug. closing.
Edited by RMiller517 on Oct 5, 2010 12:41:12

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