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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR appears to catch the ball, makes a spin move then has the ball knocked loose? - ISSUE DETERMINE NOT A BUG
Rocky Top
Originally posted by beenlurken

The text says "caught"... not to mention a break tackle roll (spin) activated... neither should have happened if possession was not established.

You want to say it was bobbled then have Bort code it so that its say bobbled instead of caught... however that still would not have been enough in this situation as a break tackle roll occurred.

This actually makes a lot of sense to be honest. I originally made my determination based off the idea that "this should have been a fumble". I still don't think that's the case, but I'm gonna change to likely a bug for the exceedingly contradictory text.

Likely a bug
Edited by NiborRis on Sep 28, 2010 08:47:16 (not a bug, disagreement, sending to admin)
Bort needs to take a long look at the logic for at the point of a catch and the subsequent tackle. Some hits after the catch create the "knocked loose" PD, but there are practically no fumbles after a catch. It doesn't make sense. There's a flaw in the logic somewhere that may not be a bug per se, but its still a flaw in the sim.

The ball should not be able to be caught and then knocked loose, moving this to QA as a bug.
it would seem here that the WR used a spin to avoid the knocked loose from one defender, but the other defender hit him so soon after that it was knocked loose.

either that, or it could be something possibly with the new "no spin the tick after a spin" code. either way, i agree that this is a bug. first verification
This isn't a bug in my opinion, and it's been going on for some time.

First, let's clear the air - there's no "football move" rule in the NFL anymore, it was changed in 2007. The current rule is:
A forward pass is complete when a receiver clearly possesses the pass and touches the ground with both feet inbounds while in possession of the ball.

Second, it doesn't matter what the NFL rule is, this is GLB, and there are slightly different rules, especially when it comes to stuff where you can't see the the difference because they are dots. The sim isn't that complicated.

Third, I see some mention that the PBP wouldn't say "caught" if it wasn't a reception. That's false. The GLB play-by-play text says "caught, knocked loose (incomplete)" in the case where the ball is caught but then knocked loose by the defender and ruled an incomplete pass. This is mostly so that WR and DB agents can tell what actually caused the incompletion - that change was intentionally introduced by Bort so we could see it.

Now, in this play, two defenders attempt to "knock loose" tackle the WR when the ball arrives. The first defender does not successfully tackle the WR or knock the ball loose, and a broken tackle shows up in the pbp. The second defender DOES hit the player and knocks the ball loose and it's ruled incomplete.
If you like, you can imagine a one-footed spin move on the first defender, but before the second foot comes down the second defender hits him and strips the ball.

This has been going on in GLB for some time and has been ruled not a bug in the past.

Since there's disagreement, I'll forward this to Admin for determination.
Rocky Top
Brought in from a duplicate:

Originally posted by Farlig
Know I've seen this in here before, but no forum search function leaves me to post it:

...since I have no idea where the status on this is.
Originally posted by NiborRis
This isn't a bug in my opinion, and it's been going on for some time.

First, let's clear the air - there's no "football move" rule in the NFL anymore, it was changed in 2007. The current rule is:
A forward pass is complete when a receiver clearly possesses the pass and touches the ground with both feet inbounds while in possession of the ball.

Second, it doesn't matter what the NFL rule is, this is GLB, and there are slightly different rules, especially when it comes to stuff where you can't see the the difference because they are dots. The sim isn't that complicated.

Third, I see some mention that the PBP wouldn't say "caught" if it wasn't a reception. That's false. The GLB play-by-play text says "caught, knocked loose (incomplete)" in the case where the ball is caught but then knocked loose by the defender and ruled an incomplete pass. This is mostly so that WR and DB agents can tell what actually caused the incompletion - that change was intentionally introduced by Bort so we could see it.

Now, in this play, two defenders attempt to "knock loose" tackle the WR when the ball arrives. The first defender does not successfully tackle the WR or knock the ball loose, and a broken tackle shows up in the pbp. The second defender DOES hit the player and knocks the ball loose and it's ruled incomplete.
If you like, you can imagine a one-footed spin move on the first defender, but before the second foot comes down the second defender hits him and strips the ball.

This has been going on in GLB for some time and has been ruled not a bug in the past.

Since there's disagreement, I'll forward this to Admin for determination.

A tackle roll in GLB does not occur unless the player has possession. The wr broke a tackle (SPIN is a BREAK TACKLE ROLL) clearly indicating that possession had been gained so the second defender on the scene should have never had a KL roll... it should have been tackle/ff roll.

The problem/bug is that the KL roll is a fixed amount of ticks following the wr catching the ball instead of starting when the wr makes contact with the ball and finishing when the wr secures the ball (in other words the length of the KL roll should vary depending upon an individual wrs ability to establish possession).
Edited by beenlurken on Sep 28, 2010 16:29:47
Originally posted by NiborRis
This isn't a bug in my opinion, and it's been going on for some time.

First, let's clear the air - there's no "football move" rule in the NFL anymore, it was changed in 2007. The current rule is:
A forward pass is complete when a receiver clearly possesses the pass and touches the ground with both feet inbounds while in possession of the ball.

Second, it doesn't matter what the NFL rule is, this is GLB, and there are slightly different rules, especially when it comes to stuff where you can't see the the difference because they are dots. The sim isn't that complicated.

Third, I see some mention that the PBP wouldn't say "caught" if it wasn't a reception. That's false. The GLB play-by-play text says "caught, knocked loose (incomplete)" in the case where the ball is caught but then knocked loose by the defender and ruled an incomplete pass. This is mostly so that WR and DB agents can tell what actually caused the incompletion - that change was intentionally introduced by Bort so we could see it.

Now, in this play, two defenders attempt to "knock loose" tackle the WR when the ball arrives. The first defender does not successfully tackle the WR or knock the ball loose, and a broken tackle shows up in the pbp. The second defender DOES hit the player and knocks the ball loose and it's ruled incomplete.
If you like, you can imagine a one-footed spin move on the first defender, but before the second foot comes down the second defender hits him and strips the ball.

This has been going on in GLB for some time and has been ruled not a bug in the past.

Since there's disagreement, I'll forward this to Admin for determination.

just because it has been going on doesn't mean that it is incorrect. From what is being said is that this is a problem or "bug" with the coding. If the receiver has possession and is able to break the tackle, the next sequence should be a FF and not a KL roll.

As you stated above, the receiver has possession so if the ball comes out of his hands, it should be a fumble. A knocked loose would be indicate that the receiver did not have possession.
Not a bug, it's just how the text displays the order of operations - Closing as ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG.
Edited by Catch22 on Oct 14, 2010 23:54:51

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