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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR's stopping mid route . . . - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

Single Back Formation, quick cutback. I totally get the WR1 stopping on the cutback route, but the WR2 and WR3 are continuous crossing routes, and yet they stop at midfield.
Edited by Stray Doug on Aug 30, 2010 07:31:23 (oops, changing title to ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
Edited by Stray Doug on Aug 30, 2010 07:30:12 (NOT A BUG - CLOSED)
Edited by kuaggie on Aug 29, 2010 13:25:15
Edited by blaslo on Aug 28, 2010 14:25:08 (the receivers over the middle stopping right at midfield doesn't look right)
Edited by Asdlfef on Aug 26, 2010 14:07:07 (Working as intended.)
Routes stop where the arrow ends on the play graphic. I am unsure if it is tied to exact and creative route running settings. However, this is working as intended. Not likely a bug.
this one does look unusual to me, not sure if this is as intended or not, so going to move it along for QA
Originally posted by Asdlfef
Routes stop where the arrow ends on the play graphic. I am unsure if it is tied to exact and creative route running settings. However, this is working as intended. Not likely a bug.

this....and the receivers look to line up pretty well to the play diagram.

Working as intended (even if it doesn't make sense)- you just kinda have a useless play.
Stray Doug
Actually, receivers SOMETIMES stop where the arrow ends on the play graphic (retarded, but intended)... but depending on the route they definitely do sometimes continue onward past the error. You just kind of have to trial and error to figure out which is which... I generally avoid setting most of the ones that stop to be the 4th/5th progressions... I try to hit those guys 1/2/3 in the progression (if at all) so that QB is looking at them while they are still in motion.

But it is not always the case that receivers stop where the arrow ends... varies from play to play (or route to route, not sure if it's consistent across plays).

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