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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Veteran Abilities for Run Blocking Guard
What veteran abilties should I be dumping points into for a run blocking guard?

Great blocker to 15 followed by workout warrior? Or there other skills that I should be looking at?
I generally go with great blocker and workout warrior until I can put 15 VP into one skill. At that point I will reset my VP and put 15 points into streaky. Basically streaky sucks unless it is exactly 15. After this I go back to great blocker.
smashmouth G
Gonna ask the dumb question???
How do you reset youre VP points???
Edited by smashmouth G on Jul 10, 2010 18:04:47
Originally posted by smashmouth G
Gonna ask the dumb question???
How do you reset youre VP points???

During the off-season there is usually a reset of 15 pts available (more sometimes for game changes). There will be a button appear where the unapplied Vet pts show up.
Originally posted by Preschooler05
During the off-season there is usually a reset of 15 pts available (more sometimes for game changes). There will be a button appear where the unapplied Vet pts show up.

The "reset" links only appear when there has been a VA program change that Bort provides a reset for. In the preseason you'll receive "Reset Pts" and you use the +/- links on your different VA's to adjust the totals. Just click the minus button to reduce.
Andreas Illum
Streaky is good as is showboat blocker IMO
What about Stone Wall?
Originally posted by ekneb
What about Stone Wall?

I think stonewall is only good for passblocker. I'm not 100% sure on that though.
Originally posted by redwood22
I think stonewall is only good for passblocker. I'm not 100% sure on that though.

Can you be knocked down? Can you be pushed backwards? Any situation where one or both of those things can happen is going to get some benefit from Stonewall. I like VAs and SAs that work when facing very good or older/higher-level players, and Stonewall should qualify because the hardest defenders to run block get the most reverse pancakes. The resistance to being pushed is just a bonus to me, it is the knockdown resistance that I'd say is more important. The offense, especially the running offense, requires the line to make their blocks and the worst thing a lineman can do is be blown up. Reverse pancakes pose a problem on multiple levels, but the biggest one is morale:

1) They directly tire our and demoralize the blocker.
2) Depending on the play called, they can lead to tackles for a loss or sacks that tire out and demoralize the tackled player.
3) Reverse pancakes, especially early in the play, can create fumbles (increased chance of multiple defenders hitting ball carrier) and hurried passes can be picked off.
4) I'm pretty sure losing yards impacts the morale of the other players on the field.
5) Losing yards can create difficult down and distance situations and potentially further decrease morale if the offense stalls or loses the ball because the defense was expecting pass or sweep.

Everyone with access to the summary page of games knows the offense has had the raw end of the deal with morale loss for a long time. You can try to fight back with Pancake and Showboat Blocker, but those pancakes become hard to get against good teams, especially in the higher level leagues (If you play LG you will probably get more than the RG would, good NTs are hard as hell to pancake and some teams have pass-rushing DTs that are significantly easier). Perhaps the changes to morale next season will make it easier to start demoralizing a defender and thus easier to pancake him, but we won't know for sure until it has been implemented live for a few days at least. Unless the defense takes a serious morale hit or the offense gets a huge boost, I'd stay focused on not letting good defenses make big plays on you over trying to embarrass them.
Edited by rsb014 on Jul 13, 2010 21:40:49
Thats what I've been thinking, just holding the block increases the chance of a successful attempt. Thats why I thought I should use Stone Wall. Will probably max Stone Wall and after that I dont know, Workout Warrior maybe?

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