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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Concession sales are being impacted by promotions... - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Originally posted by FLGator
Here's all I can provide. This is showing our concession sales for Home Games 3, 4, 5, 6. Home Games 5 & 6 were the ones referenced in the OP...and Home Games 3 & 4 were the two immediately preceding it. I can't include Home Games 1 & 2 because they both used a higher base-line pricing for each item. In games 3-6 the item prices remained the same, but our fan support should've increased slightly.

What I think it's going to show is further evidence of the impact of a promotion. The top two games used a Free Nacho Day, the third a Free Soft Drink Day, and the fourth No Promotion.

..Beer...Brew...Soft Drink...Nachos...Hot Dog...Foam...Jersey
18,243...27,187...12,848...22,620...14,407...13,324...6,373 * Free Nachos *
19,823...27,058...13,610...24,434...16,128...14,220...5,941 * Free Nachos *
19,929...27,231...15,041...21,903...16,427...14,231...5,951 * Free Soft Drinks *
19,854...27,027...13,555...21,850...16,252...14,355...5,955 * No Promo *

Hope this helps.

what games were these for? Another variable is points scored...and god knows what else bort put in the formula.
Originally posted by kuaggie
what games were these for? Another variable is points scored...and god knows what else bort put in the formula.

Originally posted by FLGator

..Beer...Brew...Soft Drink...Nachos...Hot Dog...Foam...Jersey
18,243...27,187...12,848...22,620...14,407...13,324...6,373 * Free Nachos * Won, 55-24 •
19,823...27,058...13,610...24,434...16,128...14,220...5,941 * Free Nachos * Won, 63-3 •
19,929...27,231...15,041...21,903...16,427...14,231...5,951 * Free Soft Drinks * Won, 83-19 •
19,854...27,027...13,555...21,850...16,252...14,355...5,955 * No Promo * Won, 84-23 •

Here's a comparison of our two most recent home, listed above also, without any promotion and a pretty big variance in score. The second with a Free Nacho Day, but a much closer margin of victory.

..Beer...Brew...Soft Drink...Nachos...Hot Dog...Foam...Jersey
19,854...27,027...13,555...21,850...16,252...14,355...5,955 * No Promo * Won, 84-23 •
17,590...21,508...12,034...21,490...14,867...13,174...4,658 * Free Nachos * Won, 58-43 •

As you alluded to and is evidenced above, fans tend to remain in their seats during a closer game. I haven't changed prices on any items since before our third home game.
Originally posted by kuaggie
for Dallas:

w/o nachos promotions:
Beer: 14082
Microbrew: 28326
Soft Drink: 10434
Nachos: 17169.3
Hot Dog: 5814
Foam Finger 8975
Jersey 6199

w/ nachos:
Beer: 12959 (-8%)
Microbrew: 27782 (-1.9%)
Soft Drink: 10137 (-2.8%)
Nachos: 19391 (+12.9%)
hot dogs: 6573 (+13 %)
Foam Finger 8879(-1%)
Jersey : 6090 (-1%)

looks like it could be the promotion. Something else to think about though is where in the price boundary you are.

A potential cause of this (what looks like a bug) could be how your concessions are priced.

For example say all concessions except for beer (hooray beer!) are in the middle of the range in which customers buy it. A rise in fan support isn't gonna do much to increase sales.

But say beer is at the top range, and a boost in fan support (or high scoring game) bumps it from the top range to middle range....all of a sudden there is a spike in sales.

I'd like to see other people weigh in, but there are just a ton of variables that make judging what's going on difficult. I'm p sure Bort would be able to save us all a bunch of time though and tell us what he coded.

DDB and Burlington games were at max concession prices. The other games were at 1.5x
Im going to break my silence on this thread (I know omg)

Heres why I think its a bug. I took my team's concession sales for this, I haven't used any promotions. This table records the amount sold in proportion to the other concessions per game -

As you can see, there isn't much normal variance between sales, except for Jerseys (Bort programmed them to decrease at the end of the season though, so thats normal). The only times that they have varied as much is due to the concessions, with given evidence. Can we at least get Catch to look at this?
Originally posted by Djmr
Im going to break my silence on this thread (I know omg)

Heres why I think its a bug. I took my team's concession sales for this, I haven't used any promotions. This table records the amount sold in proportion to the other concessions per game -

As you can see, there isn't much normal variance between sales, except for Jerseys (Bort programmed them to decrease at the end of the season though, so thats normal). The only times that they have varied as much is due to the concessions, with given evidence. Can we at least get Catch to look at this?

i think this is something for catch to ask bort. I can't imagine this unintentionally happening.

summary of what's happening: concessions appear to be impacted by the concession that is being promoted, although the high/unknown # of variables make this difficult to verify
Bugs team thinks: likely a bug, but too hard to tell
what we'd like catch to do: double check w/ bort to make sure that promotions have no effect over specific concessions. I can't imagine this being an unintended bug, although miscommunication is possible.

Edited by kuaggie on Jul 6, 2010 22:21:40
Edited by kuaggie on Jul 6, 2010 22:21:32
My post on May 20th was apparently a mis-informed one. I'll make sure it's corrected.

Per Bort a promotion does give a small boost to an item's popularity when selling.

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