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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CPU team with 59 human players - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

The team I play tomorrow is CPU-Owned, however the roster lists 59 human players.

Is this just to allow CPU teams a chance to get into a game with a human-run team.....or is this a bug?

I know there was a fix to allow full CPU teams to drop CPU players and sign human players, when the team is full at 55........ but maybe something got crossed somewhere, allowing those teams to still sign human players, without releasing any human players, if there are no CPUs, after the 55 player limit.
All 59 players are human, there are no I figure something must have happened when the team sent out its auto-contracts........

I dont think its anything that gives them a big enough advantage that I will actually lose this game, but its something to report, at least, lol.
Edited by Catch22 on Jun 23, 2010 22:37:59
Edited by robponce on Jun 23, 2010 17:22:18 (Bug Moddin)
Edited by NiborRis on Jun 23, 2010 16:14:43 (CPU team shouldn't have more than 55 players on it)
Edited by Asdlfef on Jun 23, 2010 13:29:36 (CPU teams can have human players on it.)
Edited by NewEnglandPatriots51 on Jun 23, 2010 13:26:30
Not a bug, thread locked by moderator.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by Zel3ra
Not a bug, thread locked by moderator.

Please not to do this. K thx bai
Rocky Top
This shouldn't be happening, but it may be a support issue. Have you contacted them about it?

I'll mark likely a bug as it needs to be looked at by someone.

IT is better than not being able to find a team, but CPU also shouldn't be signing 6 HB's
I don't believe this is a bug seeing that players over D league age receive contracts by CPU owned teams.
Originally posted by VolBrian
This shouldn't be happening, but it may be a support issue. Have you contacted them about it?

I'll mark likely a bug as it needs to be looked at by someone.

IT is better than not being able to find a team, but CPU also shouldn't be signing 6 HB's

yeah exactly.......its not something Im worried about or anything, Im sure Ill still smash them, but its def something to mention.

No, havent contacted support because I wasnt sure if it was a support thing, lol.

tbh in this case it might not be so you said, it is better than being stuck without a team and unable to train. Just would hate to see a human team lose to a CPU team of 75 scrubs, just because of stamina issues, lol
I dont know how and when they got to 59, so Im unsure if they are able to still grow past 59.......
Originally posted by Asdlfef
I don't believe this is a bug seeing that players over D league age receive contracts by CPU owned teams.

yes, understood.......but they should still cap the team at 55 human players, just like everyone other team, correct?
My issue wasnt that the team has human players, just that they are 4 players over the limit, lol.

Just because CPU teams are signing human players, shouldnt mean they can sign as many as they want........then eventually we will start getting to the point where CPU teams will be defeating the mediocre human teams, which cant be good for new owners......

With this team in particular, there wont be a problem, as alot of the players arent exactly elite......but someday there could be a CPU team that ends up with 60 or 65 great players, and it would be quite a travesty if they ended up making the playoffs and knocking off a team that has human coaches, just because of stamina issues.....

This team is in the minors, but in Casual leagues, this could be a real issue.....
It would be interesting to know when the team went CPU (was it partway through this season) and/or when the team went over. I don't know that we can find that out though.
Judging by the contract expiration dates on the roster page, I'm guessing the most recent player signed was on day 19, and it's day 21 now, so it's not going to fix itself via rollover.

I wonder if this had something to do with it:

1 player signed day 19
1 player signed day 17
1 player signed day 16
2 players signed day 15

So on day 15, two players signed taking them to 56 players. That might have been a timing hole where both players got the offer generated while there were 54 players on the roster, and then both signed getting to 56. There might not be rollover effects to fix that on CPU teams or some such, and the check to prevent further offers might be a roster == 55 instead of roster >= 55, or something similar.
Or it could be unrelated, but it's a curiosity at least.

Marking as bug, first verification.
I think the fix is to prevent someone from signing a contract if it puts the CPU team over 55 - sucks that they lose an offer but it should only happen in corner cases where a team sends out more offers than it has spaces for all at once. I think most players will sign a CPU offer fairly quickly after clicking the offers page so this isn't a big window for a player to get disappointed.
I don't like the idea of kicking someone off a CPU team after they've been signed, so I don't know what the right thing to do for this team is right now - those players would probably get stuck in limbo if the cap 14 CPU teams are still full.
Originally posted by NiborRis
I think the fix is to prevent someone from signing a contract if it puts the CPU team over 55 - sucks that they lose an offer but it should only happen in corner cases where a team sends out more offers than it has spaces for all at once. I think most players will sign a CPU offer fairly quickly after clicking the offers page so this isn't a big window for a player to get disappointed.
I don't like the idea of kicking someone off a CPU team after they've been signed, so I don't know what the right thing to do for this team is right now - those players would probably get stuck in limbo if the cap 14 CPU teams are still full.

yeah, I wouldnt say kick them off......I play them tomorrow and Im not worried.....the only reason I reported it, is because Im just concerned about future issues with this "bug"

but, as a team that plays this team tomorrow, I can say....Im not worried, no need to boot anyone from their team, however it should be fixed for the future......I just wanted to mention it before we discover a super-CPU team that manages to get 75 players.......

But I think that scenario sounds about right, and if correct, it probably means the team still has offers out, lol
.......I am pretty sure the team went CPU during the season, because I dont recall seeing any CPUs at the start of the season, but I had disregarded them until now, when the game came up for tomorrow..
Edited by NewEnglandPatriots51 on Jun 23, 2010 16:46:53
I'm personally rooting for them to win!

Go CPU team GO!

Definitely a bug, second confirmation. Re-Write to stop offers after reaching 55 players.

Moving to filed.
shouldn't happen any longer - when Bort first rolled out CPU teams being able to offer human players contracts there was an issue with it. Some teams because of the bug have roster sizes of >55 - that's not going to be corrected.

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