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Forum > Game Recaps > Hans Landa Update
Mass Anarchy

Currently playing QB for The Officer Doofies, He has had great success thus far. So far he has 1500 passing yards, 22 TD's and a 146.9 quarterback rating.
These stats come from a 3 QB system that the team currently runs and it has proved to be extremely successful.

Best Season Performance: Week 7, 10-11 350 yards, 90.9 Completion %, 7 TD's 0 INT

Highlights: 95.5 Yard TD
Originally posted by Mass Anarchy

Currently playing QB for The Officer Doofies, He has had great success thus far. So far he has 1500 passing yards, 22 TD's and a 146.9 quarterback rating.
These stats come from a 3 QB system that the team currently runs and it has proved to be extremely successful.

Best Season Performance: Week 7, 10-11 350 yards, 90.9 Completion %, 7 TD's 0 INT

Highlights: 95.5 Yard TD

totally because of the WR, and the GMs' amazingness
Edited by cometfire7 on Jun 24, 2010 12:16:10

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