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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > How come my Oline sucks?

All 3 are on the same team and it seems like our offensive line gets demolished every game. Every time we run the ball they get revcaked by opponent Dlineman that are the same level. I know their strength isnt really that good but im starting to think i already missed my chance to get it high enough.

What can i even do with these guys? Im thinking i missed putting more points in str and blocking and have too much points in secondary attributes too early?
Edited by ryansky on Jun 8, 2010 11:31:00
Edited by ryansky on Jun 8, 2010 11:30:18
Edited by ryansky on Jun 8, 2010 11:30:11
everybody is feeling this pain. I suggest just keep on building and hope the sim gets fixed soon.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here without having watched any of your games and say vision and confidence.
I saw a Bort post a long while back and vision is a prime determiner of who get's off the snap first between linemen.
You lose the vision check and the other guy gets first swipe at you.
And confidence is huge for Olinemen as D linemen & linebackers have so man morale and energy sapping SA's.

And buy the custom equipment! It's not that much and +6 to a primary attribute with 5 SA's is freaking huge.
Aight thanks for the help. I wasnt sure if it was just me because i was always told that its strength so thats what i associated revcakes with. Its funny how i never really noticed this problem until owning a team and Offensive Lineman of my own.
I'd say that it's more these are the levels where D-linemen are especially dominant. My guess is:
- D-linemen's break block roll consists of some convulution of their STR and AGI
- O-linemen's hold block roll consists of their STR, BLOCK, and AGI together (If I had to guess I'd say for run blocking your score was 2/5th STR, 2/5 BLOCK, and 1/5 AGI, and for pass blocking it was 1/5 STR, 2/5 BLOCK, and 2/5 AGI).

In the thirties well built D-linemen have 77+ str and agility, whereas the best O-linemen are still racing to boost their agility up. If you slow built your O-lineman then they will have plenty of str and block but the agility will be so low that it kills their hold block score and they end up on their ass.
Originally posted by Redrover
I'd say that it's more these are the levels where D-linemen are especially dominant. My guess is:
- D-linemen's break block roll consists of some convulution of their STR and AGI
- O-linemen's hold block roll consists of their STR, BLOCK, and AGI together (If I had to guess I'd say for run blocking your score was 2/5th STR, 2/5 BLOCK, and 1/5 AGI, and for pass blocking it was 1/5 STR, 2/5 BLOCK, and 2/5 AGI).

In the thirties well built D-linemen have 77+ str and agility, whereas the best O-linemen are still racing to boost their agility up. If you slow built your O-lineman then they will have plenty of str and block but the agility will be so low that it kills their hold block score and they end up on their ass.

this. be patient, your time will come. ( + sim will be fixed hopefully)
SD Chargers
whoa, level 32 DT's start to drop off especially compared to O-linemen. if it was in the 20's different story
Get your vision and Confidence to at least 60
Originally posted by SD Chargers
whoa, level 32 DT's start to drop off especially compared to O-linemen. if it was in the 20's different story

OL START to catch up but last season was a totally different beast. If a DL had a morale sapping SA you were junk. Redrover explained it well, read his post. But I do think holding a block is much harder than breaking one. An OL knows where he needs to block but doesnt know how a defender will try and beat him at it. Just like passing on offense, WR knows route, CB doesnt. The LOS in football is the most complicated piece of real estate in all of sport.

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