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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Pathing issue - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
this is probably well documented and I've seen it quite often but its making pitch plays go for way too way yards because of bad pathing.

The ROLB and MLB are basically trying to catch the carrier almost 30 yards down field instead of taking a more optical path that would stop him much shorter. Only a last second change does one LB correct for this. From what I've seen, that last second adjustment is the exception and the norm.
Edited by Djmr on Jun 4, 2010 14:24:01 (Yes its bad code, but unfortunately not a bug)
Edited by MC_Hammer on Jun 4, 2010 14:07:13 (not so much a bug as pathing code that should be re-written.)
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 4, 2010 13:35:23 (LOLB path seems fine, ROLB and MLB take a deep angle that might not be necessary.)
Edited by Hokiemon on Jun 4, 2010 13:29:00 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Seems the pursuit path by the LB was fine up until the HB slowed when the CB was attempting the tackle. The fact the HB was slowed made the LB change his pursuit path. Does not appear to be a bug
Rocky Top
I'm actually unsure about this one myself. I see that the LOLB took an optimum path to the HB as he only went downfield to get around the CB and WR, but the ROLB and MLB definitely seem to take an extraordinarily deep angle right from the start of the HB's run.

Since Hokieman and myself are not in agreement, I'll send this to QA for them to decide what to do with it.
I would also like to point out that the FS is basically running to the back of the endzone with the path that he chooses. The FS, MLB, and ROLB all seem to take the same pathing angle despite being at different distances from the ball carrier in both the x and y plan of the field.
I am also pretty certain that a level 74 SS would have the vision to NOT run straight into a "pick" where the WR is blocking the CB, and I see this all to often as well (SS and LOLB often run straight at this so-called pick rather than a path around it).
It is likely related to several of the pathing issue threads that get posted frequently and are not bugs as such, rather it is pathing code that should be re-written to follow better football logic...... ESPECIALLY at the higher levels.

Even though football logic isn't followed, QA mods are in agreement that its something to deal with. For this case - where the FS and ROLB are running pretty wide - is not a bug to me, as everything here is working as intended for now. I'm going to move it to ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS, and I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is cleared within the next couple of seasons.
I have a question,

by labeling it not a bug but bad pathing code, doesn't this mean that this type of issue would be ignored. It seems like it gets removed from bugs but then where would it go if its "bad coding".

To put it on the main forum means that it will be trolled or locked by a moderator as a "complaint" thread. It would not be a suggestion either . If the bug forum reports it as bad coding, not a bug, the issue is dies. Any thoughts???
Originally posted by Jazzpelli
I have a question,

by labeling it not a bug but bad pathing code, doesn't this mean that this type of issue would be ignored. It seems like it gets removed from bugs but then where would it go if its "bad coding".

To put it on the main forum means that it will be trolled or locked by a moderator as a "complaint" thread. It would not be a suggestion either . If the bug forum reports it as bad coding, not a bug, the issue is dies. Any thoughts???

Its definitely not being ignored. We are talking about the issue in another thread -

Locking post, if you have any more questions I'll be glad to answer over PM.

Edit: Unlocked post, oops thought that these threads are meant to be locked
Edited by Djmr on Jun 4, 2010 14:30:53
i honestly don't think there's even a pathing problem. if you look at what happens to the LOLB, he runs towards the HB, and then gets to the Safety, CB, WR and runs into them, slowing him down. meanwhile, the other LBs go down field farther to cut him off. They might not have taken the most optimal route, but nobody passes all vision checks all the time.
Originally posted by Jazzpelli
I have a question,

by labeling it not a bug but bad pathing code, doesn't this mean that this type of issue would be ignored. It seems like it gets removed from bugs but then where would it go if its "bad coding".

To put it on the main forum means that it will be trolled or locked by a moderator as a "complaint" thread. It would not be a suggestion either . If the bug forum reports it as bad coding, not a bug, the issue is dies. Any thoughts???

totally know what you're saying. I asked this kind of question directly to catch and he replied:

Originally posted by Catch22
Not necessarily a bug if it doesn't mirror football logic. Sometimes GLB has to do things that don't mirror football logic (like having the RG pull to the left side to pick up the blitzing ROLB) to make the game work. You need to evaluate if it's causing issues with game balance - if it is, then it's probably a bug. If it's not, then it's probably something we'd want to look at as an enhancement/suggestion to try and fix.

This sort of "pathing" doesn't seem to happen to terribly much- just on the occassional TD play. If it's unbalanced, it will be addressed, but I don't really think that's the case here.
Originally posted by RMiller517
i honestly don't think there's even a pathing problem. if you look at what happens to the LOLB, he runs towards the HB, and then gets to the Safety, CB, WR and runs into them, slowing him down. meanwhile, the other LBs go down field farther to cut him off. They might not have taken the most optimal route, but nobody passes all vision checks all the time.

Agree yet disagree... its a tough issue. I agree that the optimal route will never be taken all the time, its just the "steepness of the angle" that made me class it as an issue. Nevertheless, it's definitely not a bug.

Edit: Locked per Catch's orders
Edited by Djmr on Jun 7, 2010 11:20:00

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