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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > strange pursuit pathing - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Originally posted by RMiller517
fwiw, i really don't think that one is a bug, MC.

I don't either, but it is still bad pathing by at least the SS as per my explanation towards the end of the thread.
Originally posted by MC_Hammer
Different type of play, but another example of bad pathing..... just so it doesn't get forgotten.

not a bug- that's a whiff
Originally posted by kuaggie
Originally posted by MC_Hammer

Different type of play, but another example of bad pathing..... just so it doesn't get forgotten.

not a bug- that's a whiff

The part I am referring to is where he gets "picked" by the WR who is already engaged. How many SSs do you know at that level that don't have the vision to avoid running into 2 players in the open field?
Yes he whiffed on the tackle, but AFTER the pathing took him into the "pick" rather than going around to possibly make the play.

Edit: and I already stated I don't think it is a bug either, but bath pathing that imo should be re-coded.
Edited by MC_Hammer on Jun 4, 2010 17:48:28
Originally posted by MC_Hammer
The part I am referring to is where he gets "picked" by the WR who is already engaged. How many SSs do you know at that level that don't have the vision to avoid running into 2 players in the open field?
Yes he whiffed on the tackle, but AFTER the pathing took him into the "pick" rather than going around to possibly make the play.

Edit: and I already stated I don't think it is a bug either, but bath pathing that imo should be re-coded.

i'm not sure they even consider where other people are when coding pursuit angles (don't think they do, actually).....and the algorithm for coding that would NOT be fun. But that's Bort's job! Go ahead an suggest it
Originally posted by kuaggie
i'm not sure they even consider where other people are when coding pursuit angles (don't think they do, actually).....and the algorithm for coding that would NOT be fun. But that's Bort's job! Go ahead an suggest it

Im thinking we should start a thread separately to discuss this. Not to suggest, but just as a little discussion.
Originally posted by Djmr
Im thinking we should start a thread separately to discuss this. Not to suggest, but just as a little discussion.

Yeah since this thread hasn't been going anywhere for 2 days, and no proof that its a definite bug, im starting that new thread for us to discuss pursuit pathing, and marking this as not a bug for a first verification.
Stray Doug
Agree. Definitely a potential area of improvement worth discussing/suggesting... but I feel subsequent discussion has confirmed my initial intuition that this is not a bug.
Thread locked by moderator.

Per Catch's orders
Edited by Djmr on Jun 7, 2010 11:19:33

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