So I'm looking ahead at the upcoming games...
D-Tit - 5-3
FG - 8-0
DTMCF - 0-8
DSBM - 4-4
CTJ - 5-3
TW - 1-7
C3L - 4-4
TIA - 6-2
And I ask myself, where the hell is the obvious boost point? I'm expecting to end the season in the middle of the pack, so every game versus other teams that are going to be in the middle are worth more to me than games where the tie-break and the swing doesn't matter at much.
For example, I could care less about boosting for the FG game because I expect to lose and I expect that they will finish in the top three. Beating them will give me an edge of one win over the other teams that don't beat them, but since even fully boosted I doubt I would beat them, it isn't worth pushing the button.
On the otherhand I play D-Tit the game right before FG. D-Tit is in that same 5-3 boat as I am and therefore losing to them means giving them a win and the tiebreaker, so it would be in my best interests to boost before that game.
But then I play FG, where boosting won't help and the game after that is DTMCF who are 0-8 and it would be a waste to boost before that game.
I have a package deal of DSBM (4-4) and CrackerTown (5-3) back to back, so it would make sense to boost before the DSBM game, but because of my ties to that team and to the former L10, I don't want to pull the trigger right before the DSBM game.
But then I play TW (1-7), where I think I'm already as boosted as I would need to be.
Basically I am sitting at 7-3 and really only need to win two of the following games to make playoffs:
D-Tit - 5-3
DSBM - 4-4
CTJ - 5-3
C3L - 4-4
TIA - 6-2
So basically it comes down to this:
Win versus D-Tit, boost versus C3L if I don't already have 9 wins.
Lose to D-Tit, boost for DSBM unless I manage a win versus FG.
Tl;dr version:
Stuff you don't need to read about, or will care about except that it is probably the time that most teams are starting to make these decisions.
D-Tit - 5-3
FG - 8-0
DTMCF - 0-8
DSBM - 4-4
CTJ - 5-3
TW - 1-7
C3L - 4-4
TIA - 6-2
And I ask myself, where the hell is the obvious boost point? I'm expecting to end the season in the middle of the pack, so every game versus other teams that are going to be in the middle are worth more to me than games where the tie-break and the swing doesn't matter at much.
For example, I could care less about boosting for the FG game because I expect to lose and I expect that they will finish in the top three. Beating them will give me an edge of one win over the other teams that don't beat them, but since even fully boosted I doubt I would beat them, it isn't worth pushing the button.
On the otherhand I play D-Tit the game right before FG. D-Tit is in that same 5-3 boat as I am and therefore losing to them means giving them a win and the tiebreaker, so it would be in my best interests to boost before that game.
But then I play FG, where boosting won't help and the game after that is DTMCF who are 0-8 and it would be a waste to boost before that game.
I have a package deal of DSBM (4-4) and CrackerTown (5-3) back to back, so it would make sense to boost before the DSBM game, but because of my ties to that team and to the former L10, I don't want to pull the trigger right before the DSBM game.
But then I play TW (1-7), where I think I'm already as boosted as I would need to be.
Basically I am sitting at 7-3 and really only need to win two of the following games to make playoffs:
D-Tit - 5-3
DSBM - 4-4
CTJ - 5-3
C3L - 4-4
TIA - 6-2
So basically it comes down to this:
Win versus D-Tit, boost versus C3L if I don't already have 9 wins.
Lose to D-Tit, boost for DSBM unless I manage a win versus FG.
Tl;dr version:
Stuff you don't need to read about, or will care about except that it is probably the time that most teams are starting to make these decisions.