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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > One bad thing about Germany!
Originally posted by Geandily
You know they actually sell Canadian tourist sets here in the states for people that are embarrassed to be American

Here's a cheap version, I cant find the more complex ones that I've seen for sale:

Its not so much being embarrassed about being American, its about having a relaxing time wherever you are vacationing...

In my recent travels (granted I only went to South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Australia) stating that you are American usually brought unwanted political discussions and lots of insults/crude comments...

When I ordered breakfast one morning in Sydney an Aussie asked me where I was from, when I replied with "Texas" I got a diatribe on US Foreign policy when all I wanted was my big breaky...

Saying you are Canadian or from Canada doesnt bring the same headaches and actually (from what i have found) endears people to you more then stating you are American...I have no kidding had people walk away in the middle of a conversation with me because Im an American...

Back to the original thread, my buddy just got sent to Einsiedlerhof and Im coming over there (assuming I havent been sent somewhere else) over New Years...should be a gas...Ich liebe Deutschland!

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