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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Best Custom SAs for Run Blocking OG and C
What's the best one ?

Plummel because of the new moral changes ?
Balance because we often see offensive linemen being knocked out
First Step ?
Originally posted by Alexxx
What's the best one ?

Plummel because of the new moral changes ?
Balance because we often see offensive linemen being knocked out
First Step ?

Good things can be said for all of them but I am kind of leaning towards FS because of Borts endorsement last season per the announcement below.
Every defensive lineman owner would've already been screaming at you to use FIrst Step anyway. Honestly, I wasn't all too impressed with the 5 First Step I had back with my old AEQ piece but that could just be from having "only" 5 FS and/or the fact I didn't even really know what to look for to determine its effectiveness.

tl;dr -- First Step and Quick Cut are "proven" SAs, choose them if you want to be safe. Pummel or Balance may or may not be worth a damn but they're worth trying out if they live up to their descriptions. I personally chose Pummel for my now-declining C (pumped it to 7 with my final career boosts!) and I think it could do some harm combined with my 11 Hands. ;[ We'll see how it goes.
Edited by RisingChaos on Apr 2, 2010 04:02:19

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