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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Games to Watch: Week 5
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Excluding scores because those are completely and utter randomness. 6-1. The Melbourne game in which I picked Melbourne was the only game I'd picked incorrectly thus far. (most of the picks were pretty easy though). Also this is the first season I've EVER done predictions on the outcome, I've usually just done 'opinionated' write-ups.

Whatever you offer, I will subscribe, this is the Highlight of these forums bro. Thanks again!
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
Originally posted by CHANNELCAT

I agree with you. We would like to see what we can do. If my team is going to be in 1st place it needs to be because we beat the top teams, & this game is that 1st true test. Thanks for the write up, I only hope we can prove you wrong & hold up our end!

I think, sorry don't know how to multi quote you and Jack, but I feel though this may be a weak league, it is not all that. I think there are some teams that could gameplan better, and utilize their rosters better. The League just like our teams, are what you make of it. The Decatur Staleys are not a world beater by any means, but we try, we bust our arses every time we go out on the field, trying not to be an easy win. We take pride in the fact that more then 50% of any league that we have been apart of has not looked forward to facing us, for we might not beat your great team, but we might expose your weaknesses. So, if more owners, pissed off their wives, cutback on their Man to hand relationships, and focused, green leaf or not, me not, but when it is legal, me will. lol, anyways, I am way off the point, this League is weak because the owners haven't pushed to get their rosters filled.

I love to hear that "Man these recruits are unbelievable" or "I sent out 100+ PM's and noone responds" and what I have to say to that is....

Have some passion, sell your team to the recruits, let them know that they are going to be apart of something special, and it takes one to get the team going in the right direction, 2 to start a movement, and 3 to start a trend and so on. If the owners get hungry, then the league will get better. I am not the best recruiter, but I bust my ass and try my hardest. The Decatur Staleys have had a full roster since our 1st Season and many accolades come with a team that is ran with passion. -Naka

I agree 100%. Nice post!!
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
I think, sorry don't know how to multi quote you and Jack, but I feel though this may be a weak league, it is not all that. I think there are some teams that could gameplan better, and utilize their rosters better. The League just like our teams, are what you make of it. The Decatur Staleys are not a world beater by any means, but we try, we bust our arses every time we go out on the field, trying not to be an easy win. We take pride in the fact that more then 50% of any league that we have been apart of has not looked forward to facing us, for we might not beat your great team, but we might expose your weaknesses. So, if more owners, pissed off their wives, cutback on their Man to hand relationships, and focused, green leaf or not, me not, but when it is legal, me will. lol, anyways, I am way off the point, this League is weak because the owners haven't pushed to get their rosters filled.

I love to hear that "Man these recruits are unbelievable" or "I sent out 100+ PM's and noone responds" and what I have to say to that is....

Have some passion, sell your team to the recruits, let them know that they are going to be apart of something special, and it takes one to get the team going in the right direction, 2 to start a movement, and 3 to start a trend and so on. If the owners get hungry, then the league will get better. I am not the best recruiter, but I bust my ass and try my hardest. The Decatur Staleys have had a full roster since our 1st Season and many accolades come with a team that is ran with passion. -Naka

I agree with you completely. Even WSR is not playing to their potential right now which is extremely frustrating.
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Toowoomba Terrapins@ Decatur Staleys

With the #2 Offense & #9 Defense the Terrapins come into this game 3-1 and very capable of winning. They struggled against Amsterdam but have fired on all cylinders elsewhere. Decatur has been whipping down punishment on everyone in their path, Newark was just their lastest victim. Decatur is ranked #5 Offensive, #2 Defensively, are going to be looking to steamroll the Terrapins. Both teams are going to have to keep up their defensive strength because I have a feeling that Defense is what this game is going to come down to.

Score Prediction: 13-10 Decatur

Helluva Game Terrapins!!! Great way to pull this one out. Good job to you too Dec, didn't disappoint with the toughness of the game.
Originally posted by Jack Riley

Oceania AA #3 'Tostito-Goal' Game of the Week

Kansas City Heat @ Les Remparts d'Antibes

KCH has the #1 Defense & #8 Offense in the league right now. Only SIP could be argued to have been remotely equal competition and that game was still ugly. This game is going to be 'gut check' time for Kansas City. With the #4 Offense & #5 Defense, Les Remparts comes into this game having been tested just once, against Melbourne in week 1 when they came up with a strong win. One of these teams are looking to take control of Zeta and I absolutely think it'll come down to what Les Remparts can do offensively against KCH's Defense. Look for a shootout in this one.

Score Prediction: 24-17 Les Remparts

Great Job of shutting me up KC . You did a great job. I'm shocked it wasn't closer but hey, you guys proved a TON in this game! Keep up the great work!

That officially makes me 7-3
if it wasn't for these write ups, I prob would never visit the forum.
Originally posted by p1ngputts
if it wasn't for these write ups, I prob would never visit the forum.

This for sure! Thanks Jack!
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Helluva Game Terrapins!!! Great way to pull this one out. Good job to you too Dec, didn't disappoint with the toughness of the game.

It was all about the Defenses.. you called that. It was a tough battle. Decatur...I look forward to several more seasons of playing against you. Your team and your positive attitude are exactly what this game should be about.

This is definitely the most well mannered and fun league I have been in.
Originally posted by JeremyH74
It was all about the Defenses.. you called that. It was a tough battle. Decatur...I look forward to several more seasons of playing against you. Your team and your positive attitude are exactly what this game should be about.

This is definitely the most well mannered and fun league I have been in.

You guys won that game brother, we take nothing away from that. I like to play against Classy owners, and this league seems to be about that. I know there are inner sh*t talkers, lol, I am one if prompted, but you guys played a great game and you are 100% on point, as was Jack Riley, the Defenses were the case, and I would like to say that game was terrible on the Fumbles and INT's, never been apart of a game like that before. -Naka
Agreed... the Turnovers were out of control. Is this how AA works? I understand that pass rush is amped up this season, but please give the offenses a chance!!

Chief - looking forward to more games with you. I too can be an inner S-Talker, but only if provoked by a total douche!!
Originally posted by JeremyH74
Agreed... the Turnovers were out of control. Is this how AA works? I understand that pass rush is amped up this season, but please give the offenses a chance!!

Chief - looking forward to more games with you. I too can be an inner S-Talker, but only if provoked by a total douche!!

I wear my anti - total douche deodorant, lol, but totally agree, and same here. To be totally honest, this is the best league, I am biased, but the friendships that I have formed here, have been the best that one person could have. Like elementary school, fight one day, friends the next. This League, hopefully, hasn't changed to much. -Naka

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