In order to keep our forums running quicky and to ensure the enjoyment of all users, please follow the following simple rules for posting in the forums. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact support or a moderator. If you do not agree to these rules, you should refrain from posting in the forums.
General Rules
* We encourage debate and lively discussion. However, we will not tolerate hate speech, personal attacks, racism, disparaging remarks about others' sexuality, insulting posts, purposeless inflammatory posts, or other actions that degrade the site experience for other users. Please treat other people with respect, including the mods and administrators of this site.
* General trolling will not be tolerated. Unconstructive threads created with no other purpose but to complain or incite flaming will be locked or deleted.
* Please refrain from cursing/swearing excessively.
* Do not create threads to complain about the actions of another user. If you have a problem with another user, please contact a moderator or customer support.
* Spamming, such as posting similar or the same thread over and over, or adding completely offtopic posts over and over to an existing thread, is not allowed.
* Please refrain from posting meaningless one-line posts, such as "IB4L," "wat," or "fail." If you want to post, please contribute to the conversation.
* Please avoid "hook threads." This means threads that have titles such as "How do I..." or "What do you think of..." that are intended to bait other users into clicking on the thread.
* Do not post "quote pyramids." This means posting quotes of other quotes multiple times in order to try and stretch out the page.
* Please wait a reasonable amount of time before "bumping" a thread, such as waiting until it reaches the second page.
* Please do not "bump" threads that are old, such as threads that are past the second or third page. Threads bumped in this manner may be locked.
* Please post recruiting threads in the proper section. Threads posted in the wrong section will be moved, and repeated offenses will result in a suspension of posting privileges.
* Do not post links to sexual content or pornography. Keep it PG-13.
* Discussion of illegal activity, including warez links, pirating music and other copywritten materials, and cybercrimes are not allowed.
* Discussing and/or planning spam or hack attempts on this site or any other site is not allowed, and will result in posting suspension or a forum ban.
* Do not post the content of Private Messages from other users without the user's permission.
* Do not share build or tactics information about a team or another player without the permission of the team owner or player's agent.
* Creating another thread to discuss or ask why another thread was locked, deleted, or moved is not allowed. The additional threads will be locked or deleted as well.
* Do not create threads asking why other users were suspended or banned. That information is private between the administation of the site and the user who was suspended.
* No threads about how people's teams should be taken away.
* No threads about how people should have been allowed to transfer leagues.
* No "Look, Another Team Got Gutted" threads.
* No Farm Team Threads.
* No Threads in the wrong forum.
* No Counting threads.
* No Profanity in thread titles.
* No "Poll Threads."
* No "Mods/Bort please look at this!" threads.
* No "Selling my team/Player" threads.
* No "How to Cheat" threads.
* No "The Game is Broken" threads.
* No "Give me FPs" or "When do we get our FPs" threads.
* No "Blank" threads (not having a title or a post in it).
* No "Who will lock this" or "Will this get locked" threads or anything similar.
* No "Worthless threads," i.e. "Miller Test Here" threads.
* No "Blog threads" - GLB isn't the place to seek attention like that.
* No Posting "real life" information of any member, including pictures, without their permission. This includes images and info taken from the member's MySpace, Facebook, or blog page.
* We reserve the right to remove or edit any objectionable posts at any time, without warning.
* We also reserve the right to suspend or ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules. Access to the public forum is a privilege, not a right. Suspended or forum banned users will still have access to team forums and private forums they have purchased.
* Please note that just because something goes by unmoderated does not mean it is within the rules. We try our best, but we cannot be everywhere at once, and some posts may slip by unnoticed.
* Please note that just because something is not listed here, does not mean it will not be eligible for moderation. We are attempting to maintain a clean and fun environment for all users. Attempting to find loopholes in the rules to "get away" with things does not help promote that sort of environment.
Any threads or posts that violate the above rules will be deleted or locked, and the offending posters will receive warnings and/or suspensions/bans depending on past history and severity of the infraction. Suspensions in the forum or chat room will result in suspension from both.
Private Forums
Private forum rules are a little more relaxed, but please note that Administrators may view your private forum at any time in order to protect the interests of the site and its users.
* You may talk about whatever you like in your private forum.
* General Rules regarding pornography, hate speech, racism, planning spam/hacking attempts, and illegal activity also apply to private forums.
* Sharing PM's, builds, and/or tactics of other users without their permission is not allowed.
Violation of private forum rules may result in confiscation of the forum without refund, and/or suspensions/bans of the users involved.
The "Trash Talk" Forum
Posts in the "Trash Talk" forum will be shown a little more leniency with regards to personal attacks, but only as long as they are in fun and jest. Racism and hate speech are still not allowed.
The "Report" Function
Please do not use the report button to report things frivolously. Only posts that are truly offensive and needing quick action should be reported. The reporting system should NOT be used to target specific users or on posts that are not problematic. Repeated abuse of the report system in this manner will result in a suspension or possible permanent ban.
Private Messages
* The private message system should not be used to spam other users with advertisements or requests. Repeated spamming will result in the offending account being banned from the site permanently.
* Do not use the private message system to send insults, racism, or personal attacks to other users.
Repeated improper use of the Private Message system may result in a permanent ban from the site.
What Is A Moderator?
A moderator is a volunteer chosen by the Admins from among the user base who gives out his/her time to keep the boards clean and fun for everyone. They try hard to be fair and make rulings within the given forum rules. Moderators have the final say on forum rulings, as the Admins can't handle the workload of maintaining the forum flow. We cannot be everywhere at all times, so if we miss something, feel free to private message us about an issue.
Also they are not employees. They are regular Joe's who have been around for a while and who have contributed to the game in various ways through guides, answering questions and helping new users, helping organize the site, and through other behind the scenes stuff that you guys don't always see.
What Do Moderators Do?
-Enforce forum rules.
-Lock, move, delete, and sticky threads.
-Edit posts.
-Can remove a users ability to post in the public or private forums for a duration of 1-7 days.
-Bring up hot subjects/issues in the Mod forum.
-Police inappropriate team names and avatars.
-Police multi-accounts.
-Police potential gutting and collusion.
What Moderators Can't Do
-Change the name of your team, player, or user ID.
-Trace IPs.
-Reverse trades or anything similar within the game.
-Ban accounts from GLB (not just the forums).
-Change the rules or the terms of service.
Suspensions (commonly referred to as Bans)
If you log into Goal Line Blitz and receive a message that you have been suspended, you can either serve out your suspension or private message the moderator that suspended you for more details. Suspensions are private matters between the Moderators and the person suspended and will not be discussed publicly on the forums. If you do, your suspension may be extended.
What If I Disagree With A Moderator?
You can disagree with a Moderator, just be respectful with them and follow forum rules when doing so. Most of them are either in college or work regular jobs. They generally are all very patient, but with people threatening them, cursing at them via PM's, and generally harassing them all the time, even the most patient person can lose their patience. They are all human just like you, they just ask for respect and kindness when disputes arise or when you contact them.
Contact Info For Moderators/Support
bigtisme:ßones: Thunder: Black: order to post in our forums, you must agree to these rules. These rules are subject to update or change at any time, without warning, so it is your duty to keep yourself appraised of these rules.
We will enforce these rules to ensure that the experience of all our users remains at a higher quality. Please show respect to your fellow users and these rules should be second nature to you.
-- The Goal Line Blitz Admin Team
In order to keep our chat rooms running quicky and to ensure the enjoyment of all users, please follow the following simple rules for using the Goal Line Blitz chat rooms. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact support or a moderator. If you do not agree to these rules, you should refrain from using the chat rooms.
General Rules
* We encourage debate and lively discussion. However, we will not tolerate hate speech, personal attacks, racism, disparaging remarks about others' sexuality, insulting speech, or other actions that degrade the site experience for other users. Please treat other people with respect, including the mods and administrators of this site.
* Please refrain from cursing/swearing excessively. There is a word filter in our chat rooms. Please don't try to get around it with "creative" spellings, etc.
* Spamming, such as repeatedly typing the same thing over and over, is not permitted.
* If you plan to go offline for a long period of time, please log off of the chat. There is a limited number of slots in each room.
* Don't use the chat room to discuss pornography or post links to vulgar or pornographic images. Keep it PG-13.
* Chat rooms should not be used for dating purposes.
* Discussion of illegal activity, including warez links, pirating music and other copywritten materials, and cybercrimes are not allowed.
* Discussing and/or planning spam or hack attempts on this site or any other site is not allowed, and will result in a forum and chat ban.
* Do not post the content of Private Messages from other users without the user's permission.
* Do not share build or tactics information about a team or another player without the permission of the team owner or player's agent.
* Do not discuss ways to cheat. If you discover a loophole or method of cheating, please bring it to the attention of customer support.
* No Posting "real life" information of any member, including pictures, without their permission. This includes images and info taken from the member's MySpace, Facebook, or blog page.
* We reserve the right to suspend or ban anyone who willfully violates the chat rules. Access to the public chat is a privilege, not a right. Suspended users will still have access to team forums and private forums they have purchased.
* Please note that just because something goes by unmoderated does not mean it is within the rules. We try our best, but we cannot be everywhere at once, and some things may slip by unnoticed.
Any discussion that violate the above rules will result in the offending member receiving warnings and/or suspensions/bans depending on past history and severity of the infraction. Suspensions in the forum or chat room will result in suspension from both.
Please note that ALL chat interaction is logged and may be viewed by Goal Line Blitz administrators at any time to ensure the safety of the site and its users. If we discover objectionable content in the past, we may contact you and issue a warning or suspension.
In order to chat in our chat rooms, you must agree to these rules. These rules are subject to update or change at any time, without warning, so it is your duty to keep yourself appraised of these rules.
We will enforce these rules to ensure that the experience of all our users remains at a higher quality. Please show respect to your fellow users and these rules should be second nature to you.
-- The Goal Line Blitz Admin Team
Never Going to Happen also known as NGTH
-Betting (ruins the game's economy, borders on illegal if FP are involved)
-Trading/transferring your player to another user for FPs, another player, or real money (bad to create an underground economy of these things, best to build your own player)
-Transferring flex points to other users (see Flex Points in contracts)
-Buying inactive players (the people might come back!)
-Signing players below the minimum salaries (look up minimum in the dictionary )
-Flex Points in contracts (ruined Cyberdunk)
-Flex Point rewards for performing well (No asking for free FP, would just encourage people to move down leagues for easy wins)
-Only people who buy FPs can post in forums (public forums are free, period)
-Owners/GMs control players’ training/individual tactics (it's the only things players control on a daily basis, if you want them changed, talk to them)
-XP based on game performance (not number of plays) either partially or fully (leads to people just demanding stats, bad for the game)
-XP for playoff games (Already enough rewards for making the playoffs)
-XP in the off-season (This is a "sometimes going to happen, but you don't need to suggest it. The off-season is when Bort updates the servers, so sometimes there needs to be no activity on the game servers to do that. Sometimes, the updates aren't as hard on the servers, especially if they are mostly changes in mechanics or how AI works, so the servers can be up and running and the training can continue. When that is the case, training will happen.)
-XP for friendly scrimmages (Owners with a lot of FP would gain an advantage.)
-Forum for teams wanting to change leagues This is no longer allowed.
-Reorder all of USA based on team record (a team who goes 16-0 in a B league isn't going to do the same in the Pro league)
-Limit GMs to only one team (people can experience GM'ing all the teams they want, no reason to limit it)
-Limit number of players owned by a player on a team (if someone wants to fill their team with their own players, as long as the person is under the roster limit, that's their choice, it doesn't hurt the game at all)
-Ability for players under contract to holdout and not play (we encourage people to work issues out, not to throw a hissy fit)
-Boosting and non-boosting leagues (boosting is part of the game, it's not going to be removed)
-A forum listing moderated users and why they were moderated (private issues, not public info)
-Draft from the D-leagues (see Player draft of any kind)
-Blogging for FPs (the only reason it's done in Cyberdunk is to get more pages with the term and link to the site out there on Google, GLB doesn't want that)
-Buying FPs with In-Game money (basically the same as flex-point contracts, as people will offer/demand those kinds of contracts in order to come to a team)
-Buying in-game money with Flex Points (rich get richer)
-Player draft of any kind (no drafts of any kind, players are allowed to play with the teams they want, also time zone issues, and a definite no from Bort)
-Eliminating Player Decline/Immortal Players (It's the way to keep things fair so someone who started day 1, season 1 doesn't have the highest level players forever)
-Make your own league (cost-prohibitive, too much to manage for what would be too little gotten out of it by other players, and too many loopholes without the normal league system in place)
-Loans from team to team (too many loopholes on giving out money, how it comes back, etc.)
-Steroids (they're illegal)
-The ability to choose the 2 skills you train on Intense from any skill (Bort wants only specific choices available) UPDATE: with archetypes this might open up according to Catch.
-Stay logged in forever (the timeout is in place to help avoid an incident where an account could be taken over maliciously)
-Getting rid of decimal values on skills (you keep getting decimal values from leveling even if you don't from training anymore!)
-Career/Season-Ending Injuries (When they're finally put in, they'll just be skill-reducers for a certain amount of time, the worse the injury, the worse the hit.)
-Post counts (it just adds to idiots posting more nothingness to get their count up)
-Make the game playable like Madden (that's not the kind of game this is, if you want to play Madden, play Madden)
-Boost more times per season or upgrade Custom Equipment further (it just creates an even larger rift between paying and non-paying players and causes the cost of the game to stay on pace with everyone else to go up higher to the point where it will price some people out)
-Going back to the old look of this site (Bort said it's impossible to go back, but if you have suggestions on what can be done to improve the current look, he'll probably listen)
-Deleting any forum (Free For All, Trash Talking, etc).
-Controlling players or calling plays in real time (Not everyone is in the same time zone. This is a simulation based game.)
-Images instead of just links in the forums (would cause many problems with people posting inappropriate images, not worth it)
-Sort teams alphabetically (Already does: and no other pages make sense)
-Be able to switch around Custom Equipment whenever you want (Nope, you have to get a different piece if you want different bonuses)
-There will never be a full-respec option (Bort said here: )
-Full off-line version (Would completely devalue the game, and Bort would go bankrupt.)
-Cheerleaders (This is a football MMORPG; go find a Cheerleading MMORPG if you want)
-Volunteer users for Support (Privacy issues, lack of NDA, etc etc)
-Unlimited/Full Seasonal VA Resets (Goes against Bort's vision of the game)
-Un-retire players (Bort said it isn't going to happen)
-"Custom" Zones (Bort said it isn't going to happen because it would cause complications)
-Give money back to team for older players (DD said not going to happen due to exploityness here: )
-Flex stimulus packages or reduced flex prices
For Your Amusement (yes, these were actually suggested)
-Weapons, seriously, like axes, maces and swords
-A heat seeking football, from the guy who brought you the weapons idea
-Give thread creators the ability to create any response in the thread that they want
-An Epic Fail sub-forum like Epic Suggestions.
-Wear more than 1 piece of equipment in each slot, like 4 shirts at a time (Grossly overpowered)
-Get more training points every day for being logged into GLB longer than 6 hours
-Forum ban doesn't trigger until you open the alert (then nobody would open the alert)
- Hit the PM button instead of creating a thread
-Free Choice on Jersey Numbers (Bort commented on it here: )
Might happen at some point in the future
-Arrows/indicators of Cone of Vision or which way a player is looking (Bort said here: that it won't happen until there are flash versions of replays. At that point, this will be removed from the list and it'll be a valid suggestion again)
-Iron Man League posted by Bort
No. I'd agree with Knick: this is not a high priority right now. If I can figure out some changes or workarounds I will revisit it later.
-Allow ownership of more than 1 team posted by Bort
I wouldn't say it NGTH, but if we cannot figure out a method to keep collusion and quick-sale methods down, it's not likely.
Originally posted by Bort
I'd say lock for now, revisit later.
So, for now it's NGTH, if someone comes up with a good way to actually fix the issues above, great, but if not, it's not going to happen.
-Transferring/Owning a Playbook between teams Team offense vs team defense posted by Bort
The sim and stats engine is not able to handle this at the moment. It gets very confused as to who is who when everyone is the same team id and player id's. Doing this would require either some creative thinking or a major reworking of how the sim is written and stats are stored.
-The ability to select your own majors/minors for automatic level gains for the new player archetype system. It would create too overpowered a player and cause problems to game balance.
-Suggestions for changing archetypes or adding new ones.
Rule #1 of the Bugs Forum - All forum rules that apply to the main forums apply here. For more information on what these rules are read the following: #2 of the Bugs Forum - if you post spam or meaningless posts that are off topic, you will be given a warning. If you do it again, you will be given a three day forum suspension. Penalties will increase after that.
Rule #3 of the Bugs Forum - you will not always agree with the final resolution of a bug. That is completely understandable. If you are unhappy with how a bug was classified or what my final determination was, please contact me via private message and we will discuss it. It's possible that the process is wrong and if that is the case, I'll be more than happy to revisit our determination. Please, however, do not create a new thread about the issue - it will be locked without any further consideration.
Rule #4 of the Bugs Forum - one replay is not sufficient for a play to be deemed a bug. We will look at these instances and if the play's behavior is buggy, we will label the thread as requiring more info (meaning needing more examples). Unless the problem is easily identified and able to be reproduced, the bug will not go any further.
Rule #5 of the Bugs Forum - Bugs Mod or QA can not view private scrimmages. Do not post links to private scrimmages. If you do the thread will be locked and labeled as not a bug.
We are revamping the way that the Bugs forum is going to operate. Gone are the day of one Bugs moderator going in and locking a thread if they do not think it is a bug. All threads except for the most blatantly obvious (for example, not receiving XP during playoff games) will require a verification process.
A Bugs Moderator's role is to interpret whether or not a problem is one that needs correction. Because the role requires the Moderator to apply some judgment, errors can be made. A Bugs Moderator is here to help make sure we provide the best service possible to GLB customers and to ensure that we do not overfill the Bugs system with trivial matters that would be an inefficent use of GLB resources.
Types Of Bugs
There are three main types of bugs that we deal with on a consistent basis. These are:
1) Sim errors
2) AI errors
3) Website errors
There are numerous different problems that can occur in each of these areas. However, when reporting a bug they will almost always fall under one of these three main areas.
Information Required For A Bug
When you create a thread for a new bug, you should enter at a minimum the following information:
Sim Errors - Detailed description of the issue with links to any plays showing the issue.
AI Errors - Detailed description of the issue with copy/paste of the Offense or Defense Tester and if possible a screenshot showing the problem. If it was a particular play that should not have been called, there should be a link to the play in question and a screenshot of the applicable portion of the AI.
Website Errors - Detailed description of the issue with browser/version number and a screenshot showing the problem.
If you do not provide this information, the Bugs Moderators will not waste any further time on the issue until the proper information has been submitted. Help us out by giving us this information the first time so we can address the problem in a timely matter. If you merely post a pbp link or say "Passing is broke", your thread will be locked and later deleted without any further questions.
Step One Verification
Bugs Mods will assign a thread with one of three possible classifications:
POSSIBLE BUG - Bugs Mod determines that issue is most likely a bug.
UNSURE IF BUG - Bugs Mod is unsure if the issue is a bug.
LIKELY NOT A BUG - Bugs Mod believes that the problem is not a bug and provides a detailed explanation of why it is not. There should be no more Not A Bug posts made.
NOT A BUG - CLOSED - there are some issues that are easily identifiable as not being bugs. An example would be a player not receiving XP during the playoffs or not being able to train during rollover. These issues do not need verification from another Bugs Mod, but they must be 100% sure that it is a known item that is not a bug. These threads will be moved to the NOT A BUG - CLOSED subforum.
NEED MORE INFO - if we need more info to determine if the issue is a valid bug, the thread will be classified as this and the Bugs Mod will state what info they need.
DUPLICATE THREAD - If a thread has been created about a problem that already has a thread dedicated to it, the Bugs Mod will list the original thread and lock the duplicate.
Step Two Verification
Once Step One has been completed, another Bugs Mod will be required to verify the thread. These are the following steps available to them:
BUG - NEEDS TO BE FILED - Bugs Mod has determined that POSSIBLE BUG is a bug. They will then move this thread to the BUGS NEEDING FILING subforum.
BUGS NEEDING QA DETERMINATION - Bugs Mod is unsure if a POSSIBLE BUG or UNSURE IF BUG is a bug. Also if they disagree with initial LIKELY NOT A BUG classification. They will move this thread to BUGS NEEDING QA DETERMINATION subforum where QA (Catch22) will verify whether issue is a bug or not.
LIKELY NOT A BUG - Bugs Mod determines that a UNSURE IF BUG from step one is not a bug. This will require a third Bugs Mod verification to determine final classification.
POSITIVE ISSUE IS NOT A BUG - Bugs Mod determines that LIKELY NOT A BUG issue is not a bug. They will move this thread to the ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS subforum.
QA Verification
Once Step Two Verification has taken place, QA will determine what the correct course of action is. If QA determines that the issue is a bug, a bug report will be filed with the pertinent information and the subject of the OP will be edited to read "BUG FILED #xxx" with the #xxx being the number of the filed item in Bugzilla. The thread will then be moved to the FILED BUGS subforum. There will be three types of classifications given to the filed bug:
Major - issues that need to be fixed as soon as possible.
Normal - issues that should be fixed when time permits.
Minor - issues that do not need immediate resolution.
If QA determines that more testing is needed, he will submit a testing request to the test server and edit the subject of the OP to read "NEEDS TESTING" and move the thread to the NEEDS TESTING subforum.
IF QA determines that the issue is not a bug, he will edit the subject of the OP to read "NOT A BUG - CLOSED" and move it to the NOT A BUG - CLOSED subforum.
Bugs That Have Been Resolved
Once Bort has fixed the bug and uploaded the change to the test server, QA will edit the subject of the OP to read FIX UPLOADED and move the thread from the FILED BUGS subforum to the FIX UPLOADED subforum. This subforum will be open for users to submit any potential problems with the fix. If within three days there have not been any new problems reported, QA will edit the subject of the OP to read RESOLVED BUG and move it to the RESOLVED BUGS subforum.
Critical Bugs
If a bug has appeared that is game breaking or impacts the integrity of the game, Bugs Moderators have procedures to verify that it is critical and to get in touch with QA so that it can be addressed immediately.
Forum Mods
-- PM one of these online mods for assistance anywhere on GLB.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░● Full-Moderators ●░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
al0x: Black: the Wise:!E: Don:░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░● Area-Moderators ●░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Bug Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: r8 (Lead Mod), cwisler
blankspace McBriar:, Inc: Wit It: Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: kmart, sunshineduck, SHARP!E
BlitZxSiN: Riley: Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: Stobie, r87
Darth Asheme: Mods: Full mods who frequent this area: SHARP!E, Alex2544(Lead Mod)
DL24: McBriar: Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: Darkus Black (Lead Mod), DrkSandman, Norsemanvike, dmfa41, r87, sunshineduck
the47x: DTD: Discussion Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: Stobie (Lead Mod), Koncorde, Fondo the Wise
iStatic: A Mods
valakar: Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: jbleich
tdm13: Payton: Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: Jed, dmfa41, JcWildcat, pottsman
bamaplaya1: Talkin Mods:
-- Full Mods Who Frequent This Area: kmart, SHARP!E, jbleich
DrunkenCowboy: League Mods:
When you want to add mods to your list, you do not have to wait for the page to load, simply click them all semi-quickly, and you will then have them all.
al0x -- -- Black -- -- -- -- the Wise-- -- -- -- -- --!E-- -- -- Don -- is Rate MY links to your own players, or don't post the thread!!!
Rule #2...Read this post*This thread has been recreated due to an apparent controversy with the name* idunnolol
I've been noticing quite a few new posters on here lately and I, for one, welcome them. You will soon find that the FFA is full of quite a few angry bastards, like myself, Who will jump at the chance to brand you a failure. That's why I'd like to use this thread to give some tips to all you new posters so we can all have a more harmonious experience. (Tips from other veteran posters would be appreciated).
Okay, here we go
Too lazy to read it all? Listen to it being read by a robot made of boxes!
-Lurk This is the most important thing you can possibly do if you hope to become a member of the community here. For your first few trips here just spend some time reading the threads and not posting. Try to learn the language, the memes, and the personalities of the posters. Learn who has the respect of the board (Not me) and who is considered a failure.
-Find an Avatar This one is pretty easy. Finding an original avatar makes me more identifiable as a poster. Posters without avatars are usually considered to be noobs or multi-accounts. The internet is full of amusing pictures to call your own. Just try to avoid stupid jokes.
-Start off Slow So, now you've been lurking long enough to tell the difference between poopoomcgoop and goopgoopmcpoop. That's great! You should still realize that your opinion doesn't matter. The last thing you want to do is go out and make a thread because if it fails, which it probably will, you will most likely be branded a failure. First impressions matter! Go find a thread and contribute, but wait until you feel like you've established yourself before you start posting. Maybe try to piggyback off of an established poster (this is where lurking comes in handy). Don't try to make a name for yourself by attacking other posters though, no matter how much they fail. They're still more established than you and you'll probably just elicit a response of "Who are you?". *Note* Don't go too overboard with the piggybacking or else nobody will take you seriously as a poster. For instance, don't change your name to match the person you are piggybacking
- Listen to your critics If you make a thread and the first response people have to it is something along the lines of "fail", chance are they're right. Stop bumping it and try again.
-Don't feed the troll Is someone saying something so stupid that nobody could possibly agree with them? Chances are they're a troll. Responding to them is only going to get you pissed and make them successful. When in doubt about someone's troll status simply stop replying.
-Don't click Tinyurl links Tinyurl is an easy place to disguise malicious software.
-Check for spelling and grammar This might seem kinda nit-picky, but spelling and to a lesser extent grammar definitely factor in to how other posters perceive you. Sure, your grammar doesn't need to be perfect, but messing up the basics like "there"'s and "your"'s will just make you look foolish. Also, in an era when Firefox spellchecks everything for you, improper spelling is inexcusable.
-How to add effects to your post To add effects to your post (Such as bold, italics, or underline) simply type [x] where x = the effect you want (U for underline, B for bold, and I for italics). To turn off the effect simply type [/x] where x = the effect you want to end. This will cause everything typed after it to no longer have the effect. Go ahead and try it out by commenting on this thread!
Threads to Avoid
So, now you've established yourself and you're ready to start posting. Make sure your first thread is a good one by avoiding these common shit thread templates.
The Role-Playing Thread FFA Steakhouse, FFA Caffee(sic)shop, etc. The success of the GLB bar has prompted a slue of imitators. No matter how many posts these threads get I can assure you they're NOT popular. People don't like playing make-believe in the FFA. These threads just provide unwanted spam as they are constantly bumped by their makers.
The Attention Whore Thread Anything MCGoose, Recent Oden threads. People here don't care about who you are or where you're from or what you do. Anytime you start a thread with the word "I" in it make sure you evaluate it. We don't want to hear about funny things you do with your friends or your family. We especially don't want to hear about your girlfriend (or lack there of). Finally, we're not here to help you with your problems. Almost any thread about a problem of yours will be mocked mercilessly.
Song Lyrics ThreadWhen the title and first post in a thread consist of copy/pasted song lyrics. Chances are your taste in music sucks and even if it doesn't these kinds of threads are just pointless spam.
Post in this thread every time you ___Post in this thread every time you pee. Pointless spam. If this turns you on go to CPL
Voting Threads FFA Prom King, FFA Hall of Fame (sigh). Despite the best efforts of the OP. Any thread requiring the FFA to vote, ESPECIALLY for something like the best FFAer will invariably fail. Exception: The FFA Ring of Honor is the exception to this rule because it is operated by me and I rock.
FFA Family FFA Family ldo. Been tried many times and failed every time. These threads are inherently stupid and will never be good.
____ 4 Mod Thom Yorke 4 mod. If you want to become a mod PM Pallow and talk to him. Making a thread here won't do anything
Referral links threadsIhatekaty links, centsports, Some of these result in a ban (Ihatekaty) and even the ones that don't are still spam. By the way, do you know where I could go to bet on sports for free?
Starting Your Own Religion Threads Church of _______, ____ology . There are three FFA religions that don't completely fail. Thornology. Rick Blaineology, and The Church of Batrash. If you're interesting in joining any these cults PM me, for CoB. the47X or Chessey for Thornology. PM thecoolest if you want to join Rick Blaineology.
You must talk the talk before you can walk the walk.
^5 - High five
¯\(°.o)/¯ - A guy with crazy eyes shrugging (It's not a vagina damnit!)
0 Replies - To be used when a thread has gone a great deal of time without a a reply from a poster that isn't the thread's creator.
Admin Thorn, Bort, DigitalDaggers . Administrator. People who yell at the mods when they stick their dick in the pudding. Creators of the game.
ALINJ - At Least I'm Not Janine
BigM - A regular FFA poster. People take great relish in creating massive quote pyramids with his name in the middle. Feel free to hop aboard!
Bort - The game's creator. See: Admin
c[_] - Empty care cup. It means nobody cares about what you're posting.
c[▓] - Full care cup. Opposite of empty care cup.
Can I bet on real sports for free? - Usually posted in parts "Can I bet on real sports?" "Is it free?" Usually posted after someone posts a referral link of any kind. It's derived from spammers who advertise for Centsports.
Chat Mods - The lowest of the low on the mod totem pole. Even non-mods garner more respect than these bottom feeders. Only one Chat Mod has ever risen up to respectability: sunshineduck.
CPL - Canadian Pro League
DD - DigitalDaggers. See: Admin
Dogpile on my dick - A meme with no meaning. The proper response to this is to quote it and say "That's not even a meme"
Dotball - The game portion of GLB. Name so because of the silly little dots that run around in the replays.
DT4LOOPTI - A parody of ____4Mod spam. LOOPTI is not a real position. DT is DT35. Usually posted in italics (DT4LOOPTI)
FFA Mod - See: Mods section Have all of the powers of mods except they can only mod in the FFA and they cannot issue bans.
FFA - Free For All. Where you are now
FML - Fuck my life
Free ____ - Free poopoomcgoop, Free Mal A rallying cry that goes out when a poster has been banned for reasons that the FFA deems unjust.
Free Marshy - A popular meme around season 6-7. Rumor has it that Marshy has been freed despite the fact that he was never actually banned.
FTL - For the loss!
FTW - For the win!
FYL - Fuck your life
FYP - Fixed your post
goopgoopmcpoop - The former name of FFA poster Lionsalltheway
HooTEY - A variation on Hooty Hoo!, to only be used two posts after TEY.
Hooty Hoo! - Try to post this immediately under a mod. Makes you 3% cooler each time you succeed. (Or 100% more banned if you do it outside of FFA)
Į(•.•)₂ - A blind old man waving his cane in anger.
IAH - In all honesty
IMO* - In My Opinion
Inb4 Alternatively: ib4 - Short for "In Before" usually followed by another word such as lock, ban, dick pics, etc. Posting this means you anticipate something to happen to the thread or OP. For example: Inb4lock means that you expect the thread to be locked.
inorite - I know, right?
ITT - In this thread
Jesse - Digital Daggers
JTV - A website that hosts webcams. Some FFAers host their own shows, others just go to troll people that do. ( )
lDO - Like duh, obviously
Lock - When posting is disallowed in a thread by a mod
loldots - Sometimes shortened to just "dots", loldots are anything that has to do with the game portion of GLB. See also: Dotball
lolmod - See: FFA mods Another word for a moderator who only has jurisdiction over certain boards and cannot ban, such as an FFA mod.
lollolmod - See: Chat mods Another word for a moderator who only has jurisdiction over chat channels and cannot ban. The bottom of the mod food chain.
lolsticky - Appropriate response whenever a thread gets stickied
Lurking - Reading threads on a forum without posting.
MCGoose - Former name of FFA Poster LoveGoose. The MC Stands for Miley Cyrus.
Mod - Norsemanvike, Darkus Black, etc Moderator. The people with the funny black letters under their name that yell at you when you stick your dick in the pudding
Norse - Norsemanvike see: mod
OP - Original Poster
Peter - Bort
poopoomcgoop - The former name of FFA poster d3filed.
QF_ - Quote for ____
Snypah - Another game similar to Hooty-Hoo, but this time you are trying to get the first post on a new page.
Spottah - When someone makes the last post on a page so they can set up a Snypah. Note: If you fail at a Snypah, Hooty Hoo, Spottah, etc. Don't bother editing it. People can tell. You'll just look foolish.
srs - Serious
Sticky - When a thread is moved to the top of the page and remains there no matter what. This thread, for instance, is stickied.
STP - Same Time Post
TBH* - To Be Honest
TEY - Thomas Edward Yorke
TEY5MOD - The slogan of Thom Yorke's campaign to be a moderator and a corruption of "___4MOD". What began a joke turned into a serious moderation campaign that had Thom Yorke on the verge of being made an FFA Mod before eventually being shot down by Bort. TEY5MOD is now on the NGTH list in the Suggestions Forum.
Thorne Yoork - The proper way to misspell Thom Yorke
tl;dr - Too long ; didn't read (like this thread amirite?)\
Trolling - When someone posts with the intention of inciting anger.
TT - Trash Talk
TTF - This thread fails
ಠ_ಠ - The glare / srs eyes. It is very likely that the only reason you will open this thread in the future is so that you can copy and paste this symbol and the other symbols covered above.
*Acceptable substitute for punctuation imo
Former Posters of Note
FFA is a board steeped in history. Many posters have come and gone. Below are a few former posters who have left FFA (Willingly or otherwise) but are still referred to quite a bit.
Hans Hammer - A former FFA poster that has since been banned. Famous for speaking in all caps and for providing such quotes as "I AM REAL HATE MODERATIONERS", AND "NOT SAY THIS". Also see: The OMCW
Herbgiant - Miltown-esque in his penchant for caps and poor syntax, got counter-trolled extremely vigorously and eventually left FFA in a blaze of glory, spamming curse words and writing his infamous "I CAN OUTFOOTBALL ALL OF YOU GAY VIRGIN NERDS" rant.
The OMCW - The One Man Crime Wave. The name Hans Hammer took after his persona was outlawed.
Batrash - Noted for his frequent racist spam and for his anteater related antics. His posting of the phrase "I must feast" was followed by long lines of periods (".") symbolizing ants. Frequently returns to the FFA in multi form. Deity of the Church of Batrash.
Taha19 - Pakistani poster supreme. Notable for selling the FFA Elite, one of the first and best teams dedicated to the FFA, without warning. Frequently racist and held extremely bigoted views. His being disliked by most FFAers resulted in many attacks on his race and religion, a fitting punishment for one of the FFA's more ignorant characters.
Tier - Renowned for having used a phishing website to temporarily hijack the account of the moderator Norsemanvike. Has since been perma-banned and threatened with legal action. Many forget how much of a massive moron he was and instead prefer to focus solely on this one act of badassery.
Tyger - One of the oldest and most successful of all FFA trolls. Known for his very homo-erotic threads that garnered hundreds of replies.
Janine - Disgraced former mod. Known for hating Aborigines and being hated by the FFA. ALINJ!
Mods that frequent FFA
-Norsemanvike Black Mods
-Chessey A Humble Users Guide
Originally posted by JimVenice Esquire
So lately there are many people who are distressed about the content and quality of this unique place in GLB we call FFA. If you are not distressed, you are more than likely part of the problem. I wanted to start a thread discussing some of the main problems we have here and what we can do to make it a more attractive place for quality posters to hang out. Below are some of my thoughts, and then I welcome all intelligent, thought out input. Let's make a move to make FFA THE forum.
I like to think of Forums as little cities. They have people, they have things to do, and they have crime. The Mods act as a stop gap between the idiots and the users that are genuinely trying to make this a better city.
So what kind of people do we want in our city?
First and foremost, genuine posters who care about the state in which they are living. Spammers are the dregs of this society, always taking and never giving. If you are spamming you should, and will be ostracized and hated. I will no longer be an active participant with any spammers.
What kinds of things do we want to do in our city?
We want good threads with a an open forum for the discussion of ideas and interests. Any useless threads about turtles or trying to get a mod to marry you is rediculous and unwanted. There is no discussion available, only an opportunity to tell you what an idiot you are...and that leads nowhere. PS - No girl responds to PMs asking for "n00d pics nao." FYI.
What crimes make this FFA city deteriorate?
Flamers, spammers, binary, and any thing else stated in the rules that are not followed MOST of the time. We break the rules all the time. And in society there is no spice without "bending the law" once in awhile, but be responsible for your actions. If you do the crime, do the time and shut up about it. You should probably be getting more sun anyway.
OK - now it's your turn. My apologies for the length, but these things must be talked about now to save what we love and care about.
taken without permission from . All credit to JVE. All glory to Thorn.
Yeah I Said It. It Needed To Be Said.
Originally posted by JohnnyDollar
Hello gentle snowflake. If you're reading this, you've wandered into FFA. This is not the place for you. This place is not kind to snowflakes. We will make jokes at your expense. If you are a 30 year old Asian who suffers from Gary Coleman's Disease, we will make fun of you. If you are a racist Muslim extremist, we will make fun of you. If the character in Duck Tales you can relate to the most is Dewey, we will most definetly make fun of you.
If you cannot take this I understand. WE understand. Just GTFO. This is not the place for you. Perhaps you might enjoy GD. You can even wander into the Sports subforum and talk about your second rate baseball team. We don't mind. But don't come to FFA and get upset when we call you out. And we will. Oh we will. So, don't go complaining to a mod because you are precious and wandered into the dog pen. Coming to FFA is like playing "Just the Tip" with your boyfriend. You may only want a little, but you're going to get the whole thing. We both know it. And the mods understand here. They have the whole, "Nah, go ahead and let 'em stick that penny in the light socket. That'll learn 'em good," mentality down.
If you feel this OP relates to someone who could use it, feel free to PM them a link. Let's cut down on precious snowflakes and sensitive feelings.
Taken without permission from . All credit to JohnnyDollar. All glory to Thorn.
Whotookmybowtie's Tips for New Posters
Originally posted by whotookmybowtie
Oh yeah, here's a list of internet memes to know
It doesn't matter, just go ahead and post it anyways. When you don't know a meme, the more often you repeat it the more likely someone is to believe you do. Now THAT'S a re-run!
See? No fucking clue what that means.
Also a list of mentionable posters in this forum
I don't know of any, so you shouldn't worry about knowing any either. If you see someone's name, say they're awesome and you miss them. If you happen to post someone's name that nobody recognizes, just keep spamming it. They'll get it soon enough.
Hopefully, this can be used as an expanding guide to good posting. I don't consider myself a great poster, but I had a relatively smooth transition from forum noob to someone who is at least known around here. Contributions and suggestions are welcome but please try to keep personal attacks to a minimum. Together we can all stop the spread of Fail-posting. And remember, originality got nobody nowhere. And as somebody, you want to be somewhere.
Taken with permission from . All credit to whotookmybowtie. All glory to Thorn.
socrforce1's Q & A
Originally posted by socrforce1
socrforce1's Q&A:
Q: How do I post?
A: Should I post?
A: Not even once
Originally posted by socrforce1
socrforce1's Q & A:
Q: Why isn't TEY a mod yet?
A: Thanks
A special thanks to all of the contributors to this thread and to those who have helped to correct errors. Including...
-Darren Sanders
-Do you like wine and parties?
Special Not Thanks
-Darkus Black
Seriously, screw that guy.
Hopefully, this can be used as an expanding guide to good posting. I don't consider myself a great poster, but I had a relatively smooth transition from forum noob to someone who is at least known around here. Contributions and suggestions are welcome but please try to keep personal attacks to a minimum. Together we can all stop the spread of Fail-posting.
How does one spot fail posting? Here's an example
Originally posted by DrkSandman
Any post by me
For your health
*If you require additional help, consider using keep sticky?
Originally posted by DTreezy
I want a quote in the OP. Make it happen, doesn't have to be real. Flacco
Rather than having to merge all game change discussion threads into one thread to prevent cluttering up in the main forum, we have created this sub forum to be used to openly discuss any issues relating to current or upcoming game changes.
The only rules of this subforum are simple:
1) All normal forum rules apply
2) Keep it on topic - it must be about a current or upcoming change to the game.