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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Offensive Line > Lvl 51 Center - Rocko Boozer


there has been alot of offers.

Out of courtesy i linked this thread to all teams who sent pm's.

i'm making a decision tonight later (Thurs) because this is my last player its time to prepare for S14 (and being recruited is as almost as exhausting as recruiting).

narrowed it down to a few teams but, as some offers may be old, I'd like to hear some final thoughts on the use of my player, or changes in plans.

Leaning toward:

-Pro or AAA starter - only because there are plenty of offers for both

-contender for Ring

-system of teams/farms with Pro or WPL mgt a plus

-active and informative forum, build advice/discussion

-yea i guess money/eq is a factor too at this point

btw - The main teams I work for, play for and own, are in SA AAA, and Oceana Pro. Iv'e seen offers from both, so I dont know if this would change your plans

Edited by Boozer on Jan 28, 2010 22:34:57
Edited by Boozer on Jan 28, 2010 13:08:23
Canada AAA team power running team.

You would start immediately at C

Lost in the 2nd round of the playoffs, was one win away from CPL, and after promotions we're definitely in line for a title run.

We have one team that will be our farm team

Very knowledgeable agents...all of our GMs have championship experience

We will definitely pay for only makes the team perform better...
Edited by dlee1019 on Jan 28, 2010 13:29:47
Offer and PM sent.
Guadalcanal Gunners are interested. I'll throw you a public pitch later tonight.
Originally posted by TheBosnian
Offer and PM sent.

Originally posted by johnbarber
Guadalcanal Gunners are interested. I'll throw you a public pitch later tonight.

Two very solid offers here.
Pm sent
Here's the pitch from the Guadalcanal Gunners:

We're an Oceania Pro team that recently saw all it's season 1 and 2 builds sail away into retirement. We're retooling the roster by bringing up our second generation boys but we have a few holes to fill to complete the rebuild. Center and a WR are our only definite need for season 14.
We won't be contenders for the crown this season but we won't be blown out of the water either

This team is in it for the long haul, it started in season 3 and the GM's and I have plans on keeping it running well through season 25 and beyond. We already have a third and fourth generation in the works and we plan on being competitive at the Pro/WL level indefinitely. We have a fully functioning system from Peewee to Pro and we have GM's that have been actively involved for a long time. All the information/schemes/plans will be explained to you if you decide to join. I've personally GMed teams for the equivalent of 25 seasons, the Guadalcanal Braintrust has the equivalent of 80 or so seasons of experience (though with the moving target of the sim that sometimes doesn't mean much). We're involved, vocal and we rarely have a complaint from players about their time in Guadalcanal.

We always get equipment on our players. It may not be all in one season (depending on cost) but we'll get at least 2-3 pieces a season. I strongly believe that line play (O and D) determines how successful you are, so you'll always be at the top of the list when equipment goes out. I'm personally active with the O-line because of how important they are to our total effort.

If you look at my personal players, they're spread around Oceania Pro. I strongly support the region and believe it has been one of the most enjoyable places to play in GLB. I see no problem bringing a potential rival onboard, I've done it many times before.

Truth in advertising. Season 14 may not be much to look at when it's all over but it will set us up for our future march back to the WL. Even taking the pounding we did last season, our total regular season record is 143-33 (.813) and it's only going to keep getting better as we refine the system.

Thanks for your time and consideration
Guadalcanal Gunners
Nice C. We'd love to have you on the Gunners.
doc ock
Hey Boozer

Guadalcanal Gunners have their team together man; you can't go wrong there at all. Plus, you'll love John's contests he runs

Originally posted by jpjn94
Hey Boozer

Guadalcanal Gunners have their team together man; you can't go wrong there at all. Plus, you'll love John's contests he runs

John is a fantastic owner and the Gunners have a bunch of great agents in an active forum who are always willing to help out and have some fun with dotball.

And John runs GREAT contests in the forum, highly recommended, great call.
What's funny to me is that I see Barber's pitch and I realize how humble of a guy he is. If I were him, I'd be telling you how the team made it to the WL right up front. He knows how to run not only a team, but an entire network with the support of his agents.

As an owner of a team(Atlantis) that has played against him for 5+ seasons, I know why they made the WL after I had a dot play for him - I've never seen a team run so efficiently and transparently. I probably should also mention the forums are great and lots of lolsrsdotball talk there..

This is the guy that has OC'ed some of the best in GLB (HHW to WL finals in S11) and got his own team there last season. At the same time, he supports anyone and everyone in O-Pro, and I'd do the same for him - which is why when I saw this, I had to post something to support him.

You can't go wrong with JB and the Gunners, bud.

Just sayin..
Signed with the Gunners. Thanks Boozer.
Smart choice.

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