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Forum > Kickers and Punters > K/P age 241 - 280 > Lvl 48 Kicker looking for team
Pie Phillips (Lv. 48 K)

Physical Attributes
Strength: 83.92
Speed: 15.92
Agility: 15.92
Jumping: 15.92
Stamina: 25
Vision: 64.92
Confidence: 77.25

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 9
Tackling: 10
Throwing: 15.92
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 112.25 (+27)
Punting: 9

Special Abilities
Kicking Abilities
Calm Nerves: 7
Big Boot: 9
Automatic: 6

Veteran Abilities
Soccer Star: 13
Workout Warrior: 10
Laces Out: 10
Overtime Killer: 8

If any team is interested send me a msg. Dont have to be a good team just looking for my kicker for some playing time thanks

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