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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > What do you think?
Speed to 60 first, then agility to 60. I'm working on agility now. It will be capped by the next level up. After agility to 60 should I go back to speed and juice it another cap or two? Or move on to vision? My current thoughts are moving to vision will make him better now, but taking speed another two caps now will hold a better outcome for the long run but I'm open for discussion and I'd like to know what other people out there think.
I'm actually of the thought that final cap building is the way to go. So take your SPD straight up to the 73/74 cap while intense training w/AGI and then do the same with that while intense training w/VIS.

If you're a pure returner and really want to push yourself back a few levels for being effective, you could try the 77 cap. Then you'll be mid-late 30's by the time you're 'finishing' out your SPD/AGI/VIS. I'm personally around ~80/~76 for natural SPD/AGI from going 73/74 caps right away and 68 natural VIS at lvl 35. He's just starting to become effective because I became impatient and started getting STM up, but I don't think there was a huge difference from the ~30 or so VIS I had from training before I started dropping points in it.

As for building straight up to your end cap, you'll get slightly more points from auto-level gains because they'll be at the 3/4/5etc point caps sooner. It's really just a matter of how long you want to wait before being great though.
Yeah impatience is the problem I'm hit with most often. I like what you said about final cap building (though it's kinda late since my agility is already almost capped Thanks for your input I think I'll be going that way. The 77 cap just seems like a tad much to me, that's alot of points to spend for 1 more point in speed but I'll definitely think about it. Does anybody else have any input? I'm still open to hear arguments for the other side if anybody wants to debate it.
i'm doing 68 speed, 74 agi, 74 speed

then vision/carrying/str etc
any specific reason why agi to 74 before speed?
Work speed and agility before worrying about vision.
I tend to work Speed and agility till both cap then speed to the next cap and vision to the first cap and agility. In the pee wee leagues I like to come out with Speed at the 2nd cap agility beyond the first and vision almost to the first. That's around level 11-12 unboosted.

Originally posted by Pook
any specific reason why agi to 74 before speed?
well taking speed to 68 right away will allow the level gains to bump it up into the 70s when i get agi high enough.


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