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Just a note to all the owners and agents and other riff raff in the gold leagues, to say thanx for the fun.
I will be returning the team to cpu on day 40
alot of reasons, and/or excuses, but i cannot justify keeping a team in Gold without staying competetive and giving you all a run for the top.
Just say, i have had fun, and in a few seasons may resume my Pee Wee ownership.
Thanx to all, and special thanx to LE for the forum write ups.
Sad to see you go dreven, but I completely understand (I'm contemplating something similar myself.... tho I wont let HHM go CPU).

I was thinking about just leaving HHM full of CPU's next season and possibly requesting/alerting darkus to this so he can drop us down to silver and let some actual competition up. Its a heck of a lot of work to field a competitive team, and anyone that's done it for more then a couple of seasons starts to go nutz!

I'm also questioning my long term involvement with GLB (I'll probably just be a log in and train players kind of agent after this season).

I've enjoyed busting your chops (mostly in the old days with Unnecessary Roughness in the old league.... ah the good ole days ).
Originally posted by dreven
Just a note to all the owners and agents and other riff raff in the gold leagues, to say thanx for the fun.
I will be returning the team to cpu on day 40
alot of reasons, and/or excuses, but i cannot justify keeping a team in Gold without staying competetive and giving you all a run for the top.
Just say, i have had fun, and in a few seasons may resume my Pee Wee ownership.
Thanx to all, and special thanx to LE for the forum write ups.

* Starts the slow clap *
Originally posted by Thunder66
Sad to see you go dreven, but I completely understand (I'm contemplating something similar myself.... tho I wont let HHM go CPU).

I was thinking about just leaving HHM full of CPU's next season and possibly requesting/alerting darkus to this so he can drop us down to silver and let some actual competition up. Its a heck of a lot of work to field a competitive team, and anyone that's done it for more then a couple of seasons starts to go nutz!

I'm also questioning my long term involvement with GLB (I'll probably just be a log in and train players kind of agent after this season).

I've enjoyed busting your chops (mostly in the old days with Unnecessary Roughness in the old league.... ah the good ole days ).

This is true, but I agree, I'll never let the Gamecocks go CPU. We will be back next season, but I don't think we'll be quite as good as the last two seasons.
Sad to hear Dreven... Rookietown is a great team.
We'll miss you Dreven, you always have a spot with TIA if you want to make a guy!!!
Originally posted by Biodome
We'll miss you Dreven, you always have a spot with TIA if you want to make a guy!!!

Shameless Recruiting Islame Assylum.

No Fear
Originally posted by dreven
Just a note to all the owners and agents and other riff raff in the gold leagues, to say thanx for the fun.
I will be returning the team to cpu on day 40
alot of reasons, and/or excuses, but i cannot justify keeping a team in Gold without staying competetive and giving you all a run for the top.
Just say, i have had fun, and in a few seasons may resume my Pee Wee ownership.
Thanx to all, and special thanx to LE for the forum write ups.

Sorry to see you dropping the team, but hoping you are sticking around! Enjoyed our games and freindly rivalry. You're a classy guy Dreven!
Crazy how life gets in the way... Peace
FYI Dreven

Keep your team and just let it fall back down to Silver and or Copper and let it field all players as CPU's
So when your ready to go you can just start recruiting again. and not really miss a beat.

Hell @ this point whats 400 flex for you? (drop in the bucket)

Keep your team boss for when your ready, should you change your mind.

Sad to see ya go....We have contemplated our own fate also. AS T66 mentioned above the time, determination and desire really has to be there to make it happen in gold.
I almost think that when Gold teams go CPU, their names should be reset to something and if the old owner wishes to reinstate that team, they should get their name and all the old trophies back.

Just as it is painful to see DORD currently slumming it in Copper has a winless CPU team, it will hurt to see Raiders in a similar fate.
goodbye to one of the best pee wee teams there was . Before gold this team fought the team UR for the title each year and my team usually made the number 3 but couldnt get close enough to those two teams . Its sad that after today none of those 3 teams will exist anymore . RR was a rival for 2 seasons for me and a great team to be on for the last two seasons . More than anything though Dreven is a great guy and im sure you will all agree it will be a good day when he is back owning a pee wee team .

Goodbye RR
O, i will be sticking my nose in here, probably more often than you may like........
always some smartass remarks that need to be posted
No Fear
Would love to see your rankings come back next season.

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