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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Whats next for my OT???
I've been training vision and confidence for the past season and Strength is now 5:1 and Agility and blocking are 4:1...

So my question is should I take blocking than agility to the 5:1 cap as well and continue to train vision and confidence or start getting vision up to at least 68 by the end of next season...

**Pancake Machine** (Lv. 36 OT)
Ht/Wt: 6'6", 301lbs

Physical Attributes
Strength: 80.11 (+6)
Speed: 30
Agility: 77.11 (+8)
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 28.11
Vision: 40.11
Confidence: 39.11

Football Skills
Blocking: 84.11 (+14)
Catching: 8
Tackling: 25.11
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 9
Punting: 9

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
Pass Block: 1
Shock Block: 1
Foundation: 4
Absorb Pain: 1
Protector: 3

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 0
Get Low: 0
Hands: 0
Cut Block: 0
Pancake: 0

Veteran Abilities
Pass Blocker: 10
Stonewall: 2
Here is what I would do with this build.

Train vision and confidence to 90% to 99% and stop training it.
Start training Speed/stamina
Push blocking to 77 or as close to it as you can get this season.
With your three boosts next season cap vision and confidence.
Train vision and confidence all next season after you capped them. The goal is to push them to 55 or 56.
With your level SP during next season finish taking blocking to 77 then begin to take agility to 77.

Some time soon start moving eq into strength. You may have to do this one item at a time as blocking gets more points you can move an item out of blocking. The same van be done for agility.

Basically my goal for OTs is 100+ strength with eq, 80 blocking and agility w/o eq if possible. Then 60's in speed, vision and confidence.

There are many ways to build an OT. My way is not the only way it is just how I would suggest building and OT.
My advise is:

Train vision/confidence to 99% or close to it, then train speed/stamina. Do not train anything to 55 or 56 from 48 though that doesnt make any sense. If you train from 48 stop at 51 or 52 max. I would go strength to 77, blocking 77, agility 73 in that order. You should definitely do this before capping vision and confidence imo. Your OT can have all the SA's and vision/confidence/stamina/speed/etc he wants but if he isnt strong enough it wont matter.

The most important thing I could suggest to you though is to move ALL of your eq to strength ASAP. By the time you hit lvl 40 an OT with 80 strength is a liability against good teams. All of my Olinemen hit 100+ strength by lvl 30 at least

Thats what I did with my OT and he has had 100+ pancakes every season and 2 championships

Of course I max capped strength/blocking first and foremost

Edited by Donk3yMan on Dec 26, 2009 12:42:04

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