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Forum > Game Recaps > Chocolate Blaze vs. Cobra Kai
DDJSoDope :3
2-14 WPL record
Originally posted by Dtownokie
Choco is going to have an easy day!!!!! As Kai, wonders why they are left @ the drive through!

Choco = 62
Kai Butter = 17

Send us a check!

You don't know what you're talking about, the Kai wouldn't score, and the blaze would score 120 minimum with a few ofthose coming from the baddest dot on the planet taxi driver
Originally posted by Bukowski
Originally posted by w_alloy

This thread does indeed suck, and everyone knows this whole thing is ridiculous (Blaze vs Kai is a complete joke of a game).

Still, both ITS and Skanker pretending this thread doesn't exist after talking dumpsters full of shit is such epic lolfailure. Makes the whole thing worthwhile.

Originally posted by MonkeyMan
The game everyone has been talking about.

ITS thinks KAI will kill the Blaze so I am issueing a challenge that of course like always ITS and the KAI will be scared to accept..

If Kai wins I quit the game for good and retire all of my players and never log in

If Blaze wins then ITS does the same..

ITS and Skanker talk Kai up so much all the time and especially this season.. lets go.. lets get admins involved.. but I know your scared and all talk..

Put your money where your mouth is for once.. and if you want I can pull up the thread where you said you would win

Originally posted by Pariah
Originally posted by blln4lyf

lol @ only 80%, it's clearly 100%.

Blaze by 80+ if they don't plan.

If they do, 100+

Well, no GPing and won by 77, almost nailed it though.

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