Originally posted by PackMan97
Bonn vs Buffalo was a terrible game.
When the prom queen dumped my ass for the starting quarterback, but told me right before said dumping "If it wasn't for him, we'd be out on lookout point porking right now," it wasn't a great thing...It was terrible. TERRIBLE.
Horseshoes and hand grenades...That's all I'm sayin'.
Either yer on the right side...or the wrong side...
...or yer that scrub that is named after what my Italian grandmother used to refer to the human ass watching at home with some pork rinds..."ZOMG that Marblehead team is so horrible...FAP FAP FAP...I'M SO AWESOME...FAP FAP FAP...WHO'S YER DADDY MARBLEHEAD?!? WHO'S YER DADDY? LOLSINGAPOREWIN...FAP FAP FAP"