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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > Wow. How does this first quarter turn into this game?
Time Trial
Time Trial

I mean, how do you call a passing play on this down?
This is a run or a field goal every day of the year, but it works and sets up the TD.
It's just the pre-season... I'm guessing guys are just trying shit out.
That is a crazy turn of events!!!!!!
Originally posted by Lone Star Mercs
It's just the pre-season... I'm guessing guys are just trying shit out.


One of my PW WR's had 4 TD's last scrim, and the longest was for 4 yards. We all know the passing game has been fixed so the preseason is being used to see just how well it has been fixed...early indications are pointing towards an era of passing highlights in S13.

I am wondering if D-secondary are going to be able to catch up once SP's are dropped at some point this season.

The Question I have....Hence the great passing early on. Has any team had any interceptions? Our CB's FS's look to juggle and drop anything and everything. I am wondering if setting a few secondary players up for interceptions, since the passes seem to be so soft to catch.

Things that make you go hmmmmmm
Time Trial
Originally posted by Lone Star Mercs
That is a crazy turn of events!!!!!!

I know... fortune smiled upon my first quarter...

I was trying some new stuff out, some I will keep in the AI, some will not. Preseason doesn't count, but it is always nice to see a W.
Could be some auto adjust happening in there.
Time Trial
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
Could be some auto adjust happening in there.

Nope. I tried throwing some long routes in the second quarter (1 for 11 btw) and that killed my QBs morale.

No, it was just some shitty luck / poor gameplaning. I punted the ball with 14 seconds left in the first half and he returned it for a TD.

Then, after he was up by six with less than two minutes left and I have all three of my timeouts, I decide to run the ball on first/second/third. That was last season thinking. I needed to get my QB the ball and put it on some medium routes to move the ball a few times. Obviously I have made some changes to my AI and we are looking at why we allowed two TDs on Special Teams.

It was a very good preseason game to watch, because everyone loves a big comeback and because it showed me a few things that did and didn't work in my game, and that's all I can ask for at this point.
Originally posted by Time Trial

I mean, how do you call a passing play on this down?
This is a run or a field goal every day of the year, but it works and sets up the TD.

I was LMAO on that one. For preseason I stuck in some passing on 4th and inches, I think it fired a couple of times in that game. Good sense is telling me to take it out....

There was no auto adjust the ratio was to pass 20% of the time.
Edited by davecais on Dec 11, 2009 14:08:20

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