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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Can Someone knowledgeable tell me a great build plan for a KR/PR CB?
I'm new at making one, so any help from you gurus is really appreciated!
Speed/Agility. The goal should be 77 natural. All standard EQ into speed. Cap vision, carrying, strength, stamina & confidence.

Capping carrying and vision quickly means more points you can put into speed/agility because of leveling. But realize CB returner's don't need the same amount of vision coverage CB's do. and good carrying will keep you from fumbling. Capping strength will help you run over the punter on the way to the end zone. (nothing more embarrassing than to be tackled by the last and weakest man on the field.) And confidence, well... that speaks for itself. should your returner be confident?

Alot of people don't realize that the running style bar on your tactics page should reflect the amount of agility your returner has. So theoretically, in order to get the most out of super evasive which is +100; one should have 100 agility. If 90 then 90 etc,etc.

AEQ should be pieces like +3 agility, Juke, Return Man etc,etc. And SP's from AEQ should go towards Agility. VA's should be Return Man (it stacks with your Return Man SA so should be maxed quickly) Also Special Teamer, Clutch and Slippery have shown to work well.

I'm sure others will have different advice for you and contrary & opposite opinions. Ultimately, you should glean the information that sounds reasonable to YOU and make YOUR own conclusions about YOUR returner from there.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Edited by sooner_nation on Dec 9, 2009 18:00:47
Edited by sooner_nation on Dec 9, 2009 17:59:11
Edited by sooner_nation on Dec 9, 2009 17:58:27
Edited by sooner_nation on Dec 9, 2009 17:56:46
Most of the above is correct, though there are a few subtle discrepancies in the above information. As the owner of arguably the best return man of all time, I like to be a little secretive with my build advice.

I will disclose the importance of vision. You actually need it more as a returner than a coverage cornerback. Generally coverage cornerbacks that are lined up in man coverage don't need that much vision, whereas those that play a lot of zone defense do. It's no different for your return man. Why do you suppose the "Return Man" Veteran Ability has a +3% bonus to vision?

That's all I'll disclose. Have a nice day and career with your returners.
Edited by yogi_67 on Dec 19, 2009 15:08:48
Bacon Nator
I am surprised to hear that. I mean if you take into account of the 15% bonus and the 45% bonus from VA's to vision, even with capped vision the bonus puts it at over 70, and if you triple capped it, it means you're running around with over 100 vision, which seems like overkill. But I guess you can't argue with results. I bet Flash also has pretty darn high str/carrying seeing as how he has a TON of broken tackles for a returner
Looks like Flash was the MVP for the Conf the last 4 seasons, props to a good build.
Flash is a great player and someone I have kept my eye on for some time. I love return men. I have been fiddling with them since season two.

I recently ran across an aging halfback who received a second career as a return man after his days as a feature back where behind him. Hobo Killer is his name and he's impressive.

I have to agree with yogi that vision is underrated.

The thing with return man builders... they hold their secrets like a BBQ pitmaster. They will tell you that you are all jacked up... but none of us will tell you how to fix it


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