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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > My level 48 LB
Physical Attributes
Strength: 91.79 (+21)
Speed: 71.92 (+2)
Agility: 72.79 (+7)
Jumping: 27.93
Stamina: 35
Vision: 55.62
Confidence: 48.79

Football Skills
Blocking: 18.93
Catching: 18.93
Tackling: 65.79 (+1)
Throwing: 9
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 8
Punting: 9

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 3
Aura of Intimidation: 3
Diving Tackle: 3
Monster Hit: 5
Defense General: 5

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 1
The Glare: 2
Shed Blocks: 7
Swat Ball: 2
Big Sack: 1

Veteran Abilities
Pass Rusher: 10
Power Tackler: 15
Sure Tackler: 10

He also gets +15% to Shedding Block & +15% to Force Fumbles
I don't know that I think 91 strength does much. I'd rather have 85 and put that into speed and agility. I'd also third cap agility and shift some to speed. If you could switch an eq out of strength, third cap agility, you could maybe have 85 strength and 77 in both speed and agility, then after that you could probably second cap vision. jmo though I prefer a little more speed in my LBs.
Thanks for the hot tips. I'll see what I can do about getting some of that EQ moved into Speed/Agility

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