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Forum > Quarterbacks > QB age 281+ > Season 1 QB looking to mentor
Hi, I haven't seen too many people posting about this but it seems like there might be some demand for an "over the hill" season 1 QB with the mentor VA to boost a team's starting QB's stats. While my QB currently doesn't have the mentor VA, I'd be willing to use next season's 15 point VA reset to free up the points to pick it up.

It seems like it would be a pretty good boost to the starting QB, for example: If he has a flat 70 (without equipment) in vision or confidence it would get a bonus of +10 on each stat (15% bonus) from the mentor VA, that's not a bad boost to get every game on two pretty important QB stats.

Depending on whether you want my QB to even touch the ball you could use the QB1/QB2 slots to have my QB on the depth chart yet letting you control who is actually throwing the ball. Depending on the league I think my QB could still be somewhat productive but I won't be boosting him again and the decline will start hitting him pretty hard soon so the mentor boost would be the main thing he brings the table.

If you're interested in bringing my QB on board I'd be willing to hear any offers, I don't care about the money (1 season contract only) and I'm not even really bothered about what league the team is in all I do care about is that the prospective team has a legit shot at a championship.

Link to my QB:

Heck, if there isn't any interest I'll just go ahead and retire him like I was planning, thanks for reading. On a side note, I do have about a dozen combined seasons of OCing experience to bring with me if the prospective team needs any help in that department.

EDIT: Forgot to add, he'll be a FA on day 40.

Also for the mentor bonus to work your starting QB would have to have been created on Season 2 Day 21 or more recently (a full season younger then my QB).
Edited by Danthesportsman on Nov 17, 2009 01:55:54
Edited by Danthesportsman on Nov 17, 2009 01:39:23
Edited by Danthesportsman on Nov 17, 2009 01:36:23
pm sent from Sons of Anubis
pm sent from Dallas Devils
Thanks for the interest guys, I'm going through the PMs now and will get back to everyone soon. We still have a few more days to go till the off season so go ahead and send a PM if you haven't already I'll be sure to read it.

One thing I have noticed is it look like some people that have contacted me have starting QBs that are older then Season 2 Day 21 and from what I understand on the VA description it seems like my QB would need to be 1 season older then the other QB for the mentor boost to work.
PM sent
Made my choice today if you didn't get a PM from me then I'll just say thanks for the interest and good luck next season!

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