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Forum > Offensive Line > OL age 281+ > L69 OT (S2D4) looking for WL team in S13
It's World League or bust for Scott's final season!

X-Factor dot that has spent his entire career playing at both RT and LT. He's got the speed and agility to pass block, the strength to run block and is just an all around awesome dot!

Willing to mentor and already have a decent amount in Special Teamer if you want to use him that way. Just looking to go out in a blaze of glory!

Even though he'll be entering his decline (0% until day 12, -3% at start of playoffs, -4% for championship games), he's still better than 99.9% of the other dots out there! Get 'em while he's hot!

Will be boosting him to L72, but no EQ upgrades are required unless you want to Fully decked out L64 EQ. Will have enough tokens to boost for 6 regular season games. Maybe 7 depending on the length of the off-season.

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