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Forum > Champion League > What can save the WL forums?
Originally posted by GP1
this douche did this in the canada aaa forums in like season 6. when no one cared, he made some long-winded speech how hed never post again. once again, no one cared.

from time to time, we make fun of that speech in the prophecy forums.

Thought I was the only one who remembered this.

lol@whining about forums
Originally posted by GMathiasf
well this thread pretty much accomplished what I figured and that's got a whole bunch of people on my ignore list to respond and seemingly got only like 2 legitimate responses. Thanks to Playmakers and blln. I also found a few more imbeciles to add to my ignore list. I think I'm going to do the gambling game. It has the double fun factor of if I have someone on ignore than I'll have no idea what they're betting and honestly won't care.

Out of the utter nonsense that I was able to read in this thread, I will only respond to one. Sik wit it is spot on. I'm not saying that you children in these forums can't continue to act like it. Even though an honest reading of the forum rules would tell you that it's not acceptable, the moderation staff, especially the ones that frequent this forum, are almost as much of a problem as the worst of the worst. So, my only recourse is just do what Darkus suggested in another thread and ignore the stupidity. Seriously. I find it very difficult to ignore most of this when I see it, so for me, just not seeing it makes it much easier. I suggest that anyone that doesn't like me or my posts to do the same. One of the beauties of this gaming forum is that I can do that whereas in real life, it would be unbearable to be stuck in the same room with people acting this way. So, just ignore me and I'll ignore you and we can move on with our lives. If you enjoy trolling and acting like idiots, then continue to do so. It won't hurt you or affect you that I'm ignoring you.

Oh, and p-magic just demonstrated why he'll never be on my ignore script with that Chernobyl comment. quality shit right there bro. I'm not suggesting people don't have fun. I think it's pretty clear that we have different definitions of fun and for me, the best way not to freak out like jrry and come down to the level of some of these fools is to just ignore them. Anyways, I'll try to have some betting lines up/rules of the game up some time today.

ITT Cliff notes version

Utter nonsense
Ignore list
Gambling Game
Double fun factor
Mods worst of the worst
Beauty of this gaming forum (pretty gay there, like in a happy way G)

Funniest line in whole thread
ignore me and I'll ignore you and we can move on with our lives (Good one G, you actually made me lol)

p-magic is awesome better than pdiddy and prabbit

Different definitions of fun, wants to get freaky like jrry

Betting line and rules coming soon - Can't wait
Edited by tigerbait22 on Oct 26, 2009 04:15:01
Edited by tigerbait22 on Oct 26, 2009 04:14:24
Originally posted by silenthatred
More like I wrote that post at different times since I went to pick up my food in between. Like, I left that tab open and had to go back and read his post to continue responding. Like, I didn't fully read my post before starting again though. Like, I'll give you one guess where I stopped and started.

This would be killer shtick if you stuck with it for a week or so.

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