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Forum > Game Recaps > MLB returns INT for 6 in last game of current contract
I knew this would be the last game I would play with my first GLB player under his first GLB contract. I looked at his stat line and liked what saw: 10 tackles, 1 hurry, 1 forced fumble and 2 interceptions. I decided to watch the replay of the game and realized that didnt just intercept the ball. He jumped a short route to the fullback and returned the interception all the way for 6. Woohoo!

Did I mention that his contract ends on day 12? =P
Lockdown U
Someone needs a BIG contract extension

But its the d-leagues, cant stay there long
Good play, but terrible build.

Retire and start over.
Annnnnnnnnnnd he didn't jump the route, he was playin zone coverage and it just happens the FB was running a Corner
awesome for you!but relize that D-Leauges dont matter as much as you think at first,youll see later.DONT RETIRE PLAYER!even if his build is bad i retired my first player and regret it SSSOOOOOOOOOO much!
just real quick,you MUST get speed to 40 ASAP and str. to 20,trust me
Yeah, I realize that in reality the ball wasnt even actually thrown to the FB. In better leagues it would have been caught and I might not have gotten a tackle. Saying he jumped the route makes me like the replay more though...

@suske: Thanks for the advice. I definitely wont retire him as this is a game and is about having fun. I wouldnt want to give up on the nostalgia of my first player so quickly. The agility has actually worked really well since he has been able to just weave through O-lines at times. He was missing tackles in the preseason so I figured that he needed some more in that dept. The was what I was going to focus on next though. Like I said he gets through the line decently (in the D-League so prolly not so much higher up) but instead of a sack he either gets a hurry or forces the QB to roll out of the pocket because he isnt fast enough.
Originally posted by Bobwalski
Yeah, I realize that in reality the ball wasnt even actually thrown to the FB. In better leagues it would have been caught and I might not have gotten a tackle. Saying he jumped the route makes me like the replay more though...

@suske: Thanks for the advice. I definitely wont retire him as this is a game and is about having fun. I wouldnt want to give up on the nostalgia of my first player so quickly. The agility has actually worked really well since he has been able to just weave through O-lines at times. He was missing tackles in the preseason so I figured that he needed some more in that dept. The was what I was going to focus on next though. Like I said he gets through the line decently (in the D-League so prolly not so much higher up) but instead of a sack he either gets a hurry or forces the QB to roll out of the pocket because he isnt fast enough.

ya,your welcome for the advice,i feel sort of mean now the way i said more speed eirler,but it would be a great idiea to get speed up alot and str up a LITTLE(or if you want to be a MLB(wich would be the eisest way to go at this point)get like...30-40 maby?anyway sorry if i sounded mean at first^-^


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