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You seem to like to talk about the past and domination, so I just wanted to remind you what true domination looks like:

Hoping for a repeat of that this season.
Edited by revolutionfan on Oct 29, 2009 18:06:12
Originally posted by Ruger7mmmag
The truck is muddy from hunting this weekend, which one of you groupies are going to get on that?

See I told you guys.... now you gone and pushed him too far
He's sitting in some bell tower with a feather duster up his ass... in a drooling psychotic mess... looking down his scope for anyone resembling Alfred E Newman

I think I can handle Ruger on this one fellas... I just completed my refresher course on suicide prevention among children and youth.... "Ruger... How does all this negative attention make you feel?" "mmmhmmm" "mmhhmmm" "yes mmhmmm"
I hear you mmmhmm" "I'm a little uncomfortable talking to you in a dusty bell tower and the rifle is making me uncomfortable and I really want to hear what you have to say, but I'm majorly distracted, can you put the rifle down and step away from the window so we can talk more comfortably" "mmhmmm" "mmmhmmm" "okay then How do you feel now on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best" "mmmhmmm' "mmhmmm" "you seem stressed do you need a hug" " there there Ruger I care even if you think everyone in your imaginary football league hates you I care" "mmhmm" "mmhmm"

There see fellas he's really not as bad as we all thought he's just a scared lil putty tat...
Good thing you showed up. Your underlings were getting pwned with you away...
Originally posted by Ruger7mmmag
Good thing you showed up.

See Ruger I told you.. you'd warm up to me once you let the hatred out of your heart and accepted some kindness from strangers...

Also just to clarify... I'm not offended by what you say it's your opinion and you are entitled to it. In your defence you have maintained your conference is better than the other conference and have not swayed. it is NOT what you say that offends others... it is how you say it an when you choose to that impacts the credibility of your opinions and spurs others to react so strongly against you.
Surely the owner of your team must cringe when you speak and figure "oh well... no flying under the radar again this season as all close teams will be gunning for us again"...
Originally posted by Mattyk41

See Ruger I told you.. you'd warm up to me once you let the hatred out of your heart and accepted some kindness from strangers...

Also just to clarify... I'm not offended by what you say it's your opinion and you are entitled to it. In your defence you have maintained your conference is better than the other conference and have not swayed. it is NOT what you say that offends others... it is how you say it an when you choose to that impacts the credibility of your opinions and spurs others to react so strongly against you.
Surely the owner of your team must cringe when you speak and figure "oh well... no flying under the radar again this season as all close teams will be gunning for us again"...

lol Let me see...The owner and most of the front office are all friends of mine from no, they find this entertaining as hell!
Originally posted by Ruger7mmmag

The owner and most of the front office are all friends of mine from college...

Wow... with a moniker like Ruger7mmmag... in a football simulation.... I had you pegged for some 13 yr old first person shooter guru.... unless of course you're some 13 yr old book smart socially retarded know-it-all

Originally posted by Mattyk41

See Ruger I told you.. you'd warm up to me once you let the hatred out of your heart and accepted some kindness from strangers...

Also just to clarify... I'm not offended by what you say it's your opinion and you are entitled to it. In your defence you have maintained your conference is better than the other conference and have not swayed. it is NOT what you say that offends others... it is how you say it an when you choose to that impacts the credibility of your opinions and spurs others to react so strongly against you.
Surely the owner of your team must cringe when you speak and figure "oh well... no flying under the radar again this season as all close teams will be gunning for us again"...

We all laugh at the attention and animosity that ruger gets here. You guys crack us up, it's always funny to see grown men reduced to butt hurt school girls.
Edited by decribb83 on Nov 2, 2009 12:36:36

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