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I looked through the threads, didn't find much. If this has already been addressed, feel free to point me in the right direction.

I want to build a C who is a special teams monster. One who will fly around the field and pave a path for the PR/KR. My current lvl1 has 30 STR, 19 BLK, and pretty much 10s everywhere else with some SPs to place. I thought I'd get Speed and Agility 3x, Vision and Confidence 2x, Strength and Blocking 2x, all EQ split between Speed and Agility. Any thoughts?

I'm not sure about 2x the Blocking - rather than hold blocks, it might be better if the guy just plows people over - ?
I have not followed the other guides to building a special teams C. So I am not sure what the preferred methods are. That said I think the point in choosing a C is their level gains in strength and blocking. I would probably take strength to 68 then blocking to 74 before working on agility then speed. I would guess that all eq would go to speed or maybe mixed with speed and something else.
I always thought the bonus to using a center on special teams was that you didn't have to worry too much about strength and blocking. You could build each of these skills up to the first cap (48) or even lese, and then ignore them and spend points on other attributes.

The plan boiler has laid out will take about 5 seasons. The player MIGHT be a better ST player. But that plan also makes the player far less effective as a Center. I don't see many teams carrying extra ST players early on.

I don't think the gains you get from building dedicated ST players where the build plan deviates significantly from building a position player aren't worth the effort. You might have marginally better special teams. Special teams monsters might dominate against bad teams - the teams good teams are going to beat up anyway. But against any real competition the gains are minimal and don't justify the cost.

If you want to build a player that can fly around and block then take one of the normally fast players and add some strength and blocking. Centers are just too fat to run fast. You are probably better off using OT's or TE's for this. I've seen a lot of complaints about people being unable to find blocking TE's anyway. Centers are build for playing on the line in tight conditions. OT's and TE's are generally much more suited to do what boiler is suggesting.
If I was going to use a center to run around and block on special teams, I would still bring strength and blocking up to 68 natural ASAP. Then I would concentrate on agility and speed. These are the 4 attributes you need anyway to accomplish this task. That plan is only a bit different from how I would build a center anyway. The only difference is I would be more concerned with adding more speed than to a normal position playing center. Like I said in my previous post, I don't think you should be making major deviations to a build to make an ST player. Just a small deviation.
Ah!! You do NOT need 68 str/blk. Well maybe str if you want to be a pancake MACHINE... But blocking? No no way. You don't need more than 60 + gains to handle anybody who will be on that special teams unit. Remember, 60 on a C will turn into 80.

I dunno just some ideas here without getting too involved in a build plan / projection:

68 str immediately
then 60 blk
see/saw 68 spd/agi
cap vision
go back to 73 spd/agi
work on pancake SA
split equip between spd and str
don't worry about stamina and confidence any more than simple training

Should end up with something like 110 strength, 95 speed, 80 blocking, 75 agility, 55 vision, 40 stamina, 40 confidence, 10 pancake.

He would suck on the line, but I imagine would be a complete machine on a special teams unit.

I don't have a ton of experience here, though, so maybe somebody else could jump in with more to offer
Originally posted by Octowned
work on pancake SA

Pancakes is about the only thing I would argue with. If you are going to pancake a play with or without that SA, it generally means you've got the player totally dominated anyway. You can improve your player a lot more by spending those points on just about anything else.

Oh, and the blocking. Even on special teams you still face DT's, DE's, linebackers, as well O-linemen. The blocking will help with these players. (The sim is FAAAAAAR from perfect.) If the player is to play in any kind of a backup role on the offensive line then it would be mandatory.
I'm building one currently.

High speed/agility is a must, as Cs aren't fast due to size. All equipment into speed, as you're looking for 100-110 Speed, which isn't tough to do, honestly.

You do need solid Str/Block, so push both to 68 ASAP.

Stamina is not to be overlooked on STs, especially if he plays both ways. ST drains energy big time, plus, because of the duration of the play, higher stamina helps during the play (as energy is constantly updated, which, in turn, affects speed).

My question centers around Confidence - is there any need? You're only looking at playing one play every once in a while, so morale stacking or spiraling won't really happen. Yes, he'll be affected by what happens to the team during the course of the game, but enough to even justify training?

I'd rather push Tackling/Jumping to 48 so he can play both ways.
Originally posted by j10er
Stamina is not to be overlooked on STs, especially if he plays both ways. ST drains energy big time, plus, because of the duration of the play, higher stamina helps during the play (as energy is constantly updated, which, in turn, affects speed).

My question centers around Confidence - is there any need? You're only looking at playing one play every once in a while, so morale stacking or spiraling won't really happen. Yes, he'll be affected by what happens to the team during the course of the game, but enough to even justify training?

If you are only playing one play every once in a while then why would stamina be an issue but not confidence? Confidence/morale comes into play on every play. Less likely to be impacted significantly, but it is still affected.

Originally posted by FatLoad

If you are only playing one play every once in a while then why would stamina be an issue but not confidence? Confidence/morale comes into play on every play. Less likely to be impacted significantly, but it is still affected.

They are completely different mechanics.

Stamina has a much greater impact on an individual play than confidence does, especially one that lasts as long as an ST play.

Confidence is mainly building momentum one way or another, although it does have an affect on individual roles (specifically tackling). So, yes, it is a factor on individual plays, but not as much as stamina.

My question was whether or not Confidence can be safely ignored for a pure ST player. I'm leaning towards yes, especially an ST player that has the full compliment of ST VAs.
I fail to see why blocking would be important. If you've got essentially a boulder rolling in front of the return man, he'd just flatten any defenders in the way. If blocking is high, wouldn't the C pause to hold the blocks rather than destroy and move on?
I'm thinking of building onein a couple seasons and am wondering what SAs and advanced equipment would be good. Pancake is an obvious one. Does Blocking on ST count as run blocking, because if it does, then maybe there's justification to putting some into that as well. VAs are also a concern. Special teamer is obvious, downfield runner is worth putting a few into most likely, but other than that, I'm stumped. Any suggestions/answers?
Here's the World League team that does a great job of it:

Would also like to know how to build a ST lineman.

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