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This is base attributes, and parentheses are with EQ.

Strength: 50.19
Blocking: 17.69
Speed: 69.69 (91.69)
Tackling: 51.19
Agility: 69.19 (70.19)
Throwing: 8
Jumping: 48.69
Catching: 17.69
Stamina: 34.19
Carrying: 8
Vision: 63.19
Kicking: 8
Confidence: 38.19
Punting: 8

Pass Rusher tree - 1 in all due to CE
+3 Superior Vision from aeq
+10 in Clutch and Ball Hawk for VA's

I'm trying to build him more as a pass coverage LB, so should I rework my eq to add more into agi? I also rolled a +3 agi +1 swat ball AEQ, should I keep that or try something else? Im current'y training conf/stamina. Any thoughts?

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