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Forum > Quarterbacks > QB age 281+ > Lvl 66 Pocket QB looking for a Pro team, preferably USAPro

This will be his last season before he starts the decline, and i would like to get him on a pro team who has a shot at a championship so that he can end his career with at least 1 trophy to his name. If possible i would prefer a team who likes to pass as much or more than they run the ball, but regardless i want to play for a contender whose OC/DC actually do work to win games EVERY GAME. Starting is a must and i dont want to share time unless its with a pure rushing QB.

Most of his career has been spent trying to help out teams who werent quite championship material, and he's never been in a pass heavy offense, but his stats still speak for themselves. Not looking for any big money, and any of the teams ive played for can tell you that i always make sure im set according to game plan, and i make sure i keep up with anything that is asked of my QB on the team forums. If you have any questions, ask them here and i will try to respond to them as soon as possible.

******DO NOT SEND ME PMs...PERIOD!!!!*******

Respond in this post with the team that is interested, and who i need to contact, and i will see what options i have in the next day or two and contact the teams im interested in. Good luck to everyone in season 12!
no one has any late needs?
I'd love to have you join us Buzz, but we're USA AAA and I have my QB set up for 3rd down situations so sharing time is a must.

Bump nonetheless.
thanks bronco. Its looking like i may have to be a little less picky as i got him out here in the market after everyone already had their FAs lined up. I'll shoot you a PM if i change my mind

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