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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Center Build Plan-Level 48, Level 56, Level 64
So I took my level 40 Center and tried mapping out his future a bit.

Do you guys have any advice on something I should do differently?

Level 40
AGI-70.25 (+3 EQP for 73.25)


Level 48


Level 56


Level 64


I think that would be pretty nasty at level 64.
I would also have 50 VPs at level 64.
I'm thinking 15 NL, 15 SB, 15 WW (at 100+ nat strength probably worth it at that point), then 5 of......i don't know, second wind maybe?

What do you think of my build plan? Any changes?
Edited by immagonnawin on Sep 18, 2009 08:49:30
I'd definitely add more speed rather than adding that much vision. I really don't think you need 70 vision to see defenders a yard away from you. And even if you did see someone far away, you'd be too slow to get there.
Originally posted by boilerup
I'd definitely add more speed rather than adding that much vision. I really don't think you need 70 vision to see defenders a yard away from you. And even if you did see someone far away, you'd be too slow to get there.

with my next 20 SP (3 boost and about to level) I plan on pumping speed up to 62....

I thought that would be pretty good, but in retrospect, maybe you're right. After level 56 once I get vision to the 2nd cap, I could probably take speed to the 3rd cap instead of vision. That would leave me with 69 speed and 62 vision instead of the opposite

Thanks for the advice.....

Anyone else have any thoughts on the vision v. speed 3rd capping? Or any other thoughts on the build?

Originally posted by immagonnawin

Level 40

Level 48

Level 56

Level 64

Can you explain your plans with the SA's? Do you currently have two pieces of Line General AND a piece of Get Low? You are going to sell one of the Line Generals and equip the Get Low? I suppose the math works out for that. But if you don't already have this equipment I wouldn't count on getting the equipment later.
I haven't seen much evidence that VIS beyond the second cap is particularly useful, though that could be because nobody goes up to 68-70 VIS that can serve as an example. But I mean more that I don't see too many blown plays that could be the result of a lack of VIS, so more probably wouldn't help that much. Maybe it'll prevent the guy from picking up a DL already behind the play as often and instead pursue a LB/secondary defender instead. That's fairly common to see and it drives me batty but that could just be how the sim works as much as it could be failed vision checks. :/

My opinion on the Speed/Vision thing is that Speed would definitely be better... but you should put those SP in the Hands SA instead.
Edited by RisingChaos on Sep 18, 2009 13:55:47
Edited by RisingChaos on Sep 18, 2009 13:55:21
more conf/sta, imo.
How exactly are you gaining 7-7.5 strength every 8 levels? Natural gains aren't THAT good anymore...

(the wiki is wrong, they keep cutting at 38, 46, 54, etc)
Originally posted by Octowned
How exactly are you gaining 7-7.5 strength every 8 levels? Natural gains aren't THAT good anymore...

(the wiki is wrong, they keep cutting at 38, 46, 54, etc)

4 points from equipment.
Jack Del Rio
It's all for nothing if Confidence isn't at least 60.
Originally posted by Jack Del Rio
It's all for nothing if Confidence isn't at least 60.

Ok so instead of VIS to 69, I should work on SPD to 69 and CONF to 60???

What should I get to 48 first? CONF or VIS?

What about 60? CONF or VIS?

Edited by immagonnawin on Sep 19, 2009 14:46:28
Also, should I even bother getting AGI to 73? Am i good at 70?
Jack Del Rio
Originally posted by immagonnawin
Ok so instead of VIS to 69, I should work on SPD to 69 and CONF to 60???

What should I get to 48 first? CONF or VIS?

What about 60? CONF or VIS?

uh ok I kinda wrote up an essay and it's just my take on things, just trying to help out, so take it for exactly what it is-
Yes, the extra AGI will be worth it.
Speed to 3rd cap can be prioritized lower than conf & vis to the 2nd cap (imo they should all be at the 2nd cap before you spend SP on taking either speed or confidence to the 3rd cap). Here's my take on trying to decide whether to 3rd cap speed or confidence;

Speed and Confidence may seem like completely unrelated attributes for O-linemen, but in reality they do very similar things. They both make your dot appear "faster during a play" - speed by increasing his max speed (and his acceleration by a bit), confidence by making your dot block more aggressively (in essence making your dot accelerate toward the defender faster). I don't believe that Confidence can actually increase your top speed, it just happens to have such a noticeable difference in your acceleration & movement over the course of a play because you might not, or might just barely, reach your top speed in that given time frame (if you can understand that mess lol). Both speed & confidence will allow you to engage in blocks sooner in the play thus allowing you to attempt more pancake rolls over the course of the play (I've been talking about Run Blocking this whole time btw. Cs typically dont have problems with pass blocking but I'd have to guess that speed would help most with making multiple blocks like a lineman & a blitzer. I haven't heard anything at all about confidence helping with movement in pass blocking).

so uh that was about movement. but I like confidence because Confidence will increase your pancake success and in general seems to allow you to "play to your potential". I have a very good* slow built level 57 C (* = you'll have to take my word for it, LOL) but confidence is one thing I waited a very long time to work on in the slow build. most of my points in it have come from training, and even now it is only at 50.7. I'm going to be using all of this offseason's boost SP in it because there is no way in hell that a build like mine (except for the confidence) should be getting knocked down so often & putting up such miniscule pancake numbers. why am I so confident that confidence is the answer? I already found it to be the answer for my blocking TE there was a noticeable increase in pancake success (and the pancakes happened sooner in the plays), and another jump in success & "speed of pancakes" after Heart of a Champion kicked in for our first & only playoff game. I still think that the benefit from taking confidence from 48 to 68 is linear all the way (meaning, I am absolutely more than willing to test the effects of 70+ confidence on my own C, with no regrets, just to see if there is a point where my dot stops improving).
Your C is Lv57 too, eh?

Well I haven't necessaily seen an increase in my actual pancake average during these first two playoff games but I will agree that my C sure seems to be moving more quickly with HoaC-buffed 80+ Confidence this playoff. As I said in the "Level 39 Center, now what?" topic...

Short version of the below: I think JDR has something with this whole "CON increases your play speed" thing. I've also noticed my Center playing much faster than normal once HoaC kicked in for the playoffs.

Originally posted by RisingChaos
As far as CON is concerned, I didn't see anything special in my Center's first playoff game with a HoaC-buffed 82+ Confidence. Four max playoff games isn't going to be terribly conclusive anyway but I figured I'd give it a shot and see maybe if the extra CON would completely wow me. My guy played well but nothing out of the ordinary. He looked faster than normal, though.

It was hard to gauge the effects of that extra CON in my second game because his team passed over 60% of the time, which was highly unusual. You can really see the difference in speed in my guy's first playoff game compared to his regular season outings, though, and hopefully I get to see a little more in the last two games. Also, on the one kickoff return my guy blocked for, he appeared to nearly keep pace with his fellow linemen-position players during the rush down the field, all of whom have 50+ Speed compared to my C's 41 Speed. Not sure if that means anything, plus later in the game there's also Stamina to consider. *shrug*

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