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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > LVL 29 LB and LVL 26 LB...advice
Here's the link to the lvl 29 guy.

I meant for him to be a LOLB and focus on pass coverage, but a couple of times on different teams I've been placed at MLB for the season as well.

His natural strength is 37.71
His natural speed is 67.51

Special Ability is +1 to the hard hitter tree through CE.

Veteran Abilities are:
Clutch (1)
Red Zone Freak (1)
Sure Tackler (2)

I have another point for VA and was wondering where I should spend it, and also what to do with the players build (improve agility I would think).

Here is the link to my lvl 26 LB.

He's been at either OLB position so far, though I prefer him for LOLB.

Natural strength is 40.97
Natural speed is 68.95
Natural tackling is 31.87

Special Abilities are +1 to the pass rush tree.
I've got 3 Veteran Ability points but haven't used them yet and would like to know where I'd be best served to put them.

Also wondering where I should focus my skill points (again, i figure on agility).

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