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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Advanced Equipment for a Center ( "Absorb Pain" a worthwhile piece?)
I have a couple of different options.

1) +3 Strength, +1 Cut Block SA (Currently upgraded & equipped...would sell to switch out.)

2) +3 Vision, +1 Absorb Pain SA

3) Hold Block Chance +2%

4) +1 Pancake SA

I've trained on normal and accumulated shopping tokens as long as I'm willing to. His first AEQ piece is a Line General piece and doesn't need to be altered. I'm looking for a second AEQ piece.

Cut Block would never be my first choice, but it's what he got a long, long time ago and I haven't found anything suitable to swap it out with.

I'd like the Hold Block piece better if it had +anything to an attribute and started at +3% instead of 2%.

Pancake is, eh, Pancake. I'm not likely to use it.

Of note...the team he's on is a pass first team. Absorb Pain seems like it could be useful when going up against NT's and help to keep him fresher longer.

There was a thread about absorb pain a while back. I think the basic idea was it only works when you lose a blocking roll.

Looking at your options the +3 strength is probably more valuable than any of the potential SAs so I would pick the 1st choice.
Gators stink.

that being said i'd say the first one is the piece to keep.

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