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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Protector - 11 vs 10
You think it's worth the 16 bonus tokens, cash, and whatnot? My other option is to get pass blocker up to 8 or something.
well you also get +2 to an attribute which should be worth quite a bit. I have 11 on my LOT and I can't honestly say I noticed much difference, but I don't think you will notice much difference increasing your pass blocker either.
Yea the pass blocker piece would be cheaper is all, my team doesn't have unlimited funds and he'd get the +2 either way. He's rarely gotten beat this season and I don't believe he's given up a sack unless it was a LB blitz.
spinal tap?
^^great spinal tap reference! I was thinking the same thing when I was reading this!
anything over 10 in SA's, besides the Kicking/Punting ones is probably not worth it.
Originally posted by SLZmonster
anything over 10 in SA's, besides the Kicking/Punting ones is probably not worth it.

probably? or definitely? because I've had plenty of people tell me that they benefit from having >10. If you haven't ever tried it, you can't really judge accurately...or can you?
Edited by Darren McFadden on Sep 4, 2009 11:44:52
Well, take it for what it's worth. SAs over ten have diminishing returns, so 11 is probably something like 10.25 or 10.5 in the SA. My guess would be that bort does it like this=
SA Real Level
10 10
11 10.5
12 11
13 11.25
14 11.5
15 11.75
16 12
and so on. That's just what common sense tells me. I can't pledge whether it's true or not.
But Bort did say that SA's over ten are like fractional sa's.
Edited by Squab on Sep 4, 2009 15:26:32
Well what does the "10" mean? That's not a precise enough assumption to be meaningful. Not that I'm trying to criticize you, just to say that I think that's not a useful definition. A better definition is in terms of the actual bonus. If 9->10 gives a 5% bonus to speed, blocking, and agility, then does 11 give a 4% bonus, a 2.5% bonus, a 1% bonus, etc?

Not that I expect anybody has the answer but I think you could get a good sized sample and lean towards the upper end of the spectrum (ie the bonus is similar to the 9->10 bonus) or the lower end (the bonus is very small and not noticeable).
Yeah I guess that is the right question. I can't even pretend to make guesses as to the bonuses of SA's. I'm just sayin that it probably takes an SA to be at 12 to get the benefit you regularly would at 11, whatever that benefit may be.

Build temporarily opened. Bubba has not given up a sack all season. Of course, I obviously cannot prove that the extra 1 in protector really pushes Bubba over the edge, but I will say that he seems much faster then his actual speed during pass blocking plays. Frankly with double Protector AEQ rolls, I figure I'd be fine with taking Protector to 14 or so. Why not? It's free SP's, and even a diminishing bonus in blocking, speed, and agility is still a bonus that I did not have before.
If it's from AEQ, I'd definitely say go for it, Protector is a really good SA, and if you don't have to spend SP to get it up, then there's no hurt in taking it over 10 imo.
Originally posted by Squab
If it's from AEQ, I'd definitely say go for it, Protector is a really good SA, and if you don't have to spend SP to get it up, then there's no hurt in taking it over 10 imo.

There actually was a good argument posted by Octowned about why using one piece of protector is better than using two.
Bort recently stated that "SAs above 10 are treated as fractional points." So it shows 14, but in Bort's formula's, it is reading 12.2 or something like that. What this MEANS is hard to tell. What it means to ME is to stop at 10, that is "good enough" unless there is great evidence otherwise (15 return specialist, etc., have been shown to be great).

I haven't seen great evidence to tell me to go above 10 protect. Then again, nor have I seen evidence that 10 is much better than 8, etc., so it's really just drawing a line in the sand.

I take the side to either go to 10, or go all out. If you want 10, the best way to do it is with one piece of AEQ, not two. If you want to go all out, I'd use two pieces of AEQ, and also take base up to 8 or something reasonably priced, and see it at 16-18 down the road.

For the OP, I see no reason to hold back on the protect AEQ. You'll want all of your pieces fully upgraded, anyway.. unless the question is which to do FIRST, your "other piece" or the protect piece. In which case, I'd probably say the "other piece" first if just for the matter of cost. In either case, I'd never have multiple AEQ unless I planned on getting them all up to par eventually, so going to 11 sounds inevitable for your player.

The 16 bonus tokens (4 SP) probably cover the 10->11 protect, but don't forget the two standard +1 stats you get along the way. Obv get those equips all the way up

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