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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > LOT pathing question - why is my dot running away?

the LT backs way way too far into the pocket, giving the DE a clear path to the QB. I've noticed this happening with this dot recently, especially as I've increased agility.

Agility - high 70's
Blocking - mid 70's
Strength - mid 80's
Vis/Conf - low/mid 30's

What's going on here? Do I need more blocking? Is it the LG's fault?
Little M
Originally posted by
August 19, 2009
- Update to pass blocking logic, to fix some problems where outside blitzers were not picked up very well

Bort made a change to the blocking for OT's. Previously, the OT would sometimes just stand at the LOS and let a blitzing CB run past them. Bort changed it so that the OT's now drop back farther, so that they can pick up a blitz. I don't know if you have any control over how far back you drop.

You should look at the thread at which discusses your issue.
Edited by Little M on Aug 31, 2009 14:33:29
Rage Kinard
Actually that is the crappy DE bug. DE is so bad, that the LOT drops back into position while the DE is so bad, he doesn't get to where a good DE would be in that amount of time. Better vision helps, but I wouldn't worry about it yet.

Eventually you will want 95+ strength, 90+ blocking, 80+ agility, 3rd capped speed and vision, at least 55 confidence and capped stamina, but you are nowhere near the levels where you should have those attributes.
This is another play where it comes through clearer:

Would a DE ever go that way?
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by gosouthgohard
This is another play where it comes through clearer:

Would a DE ever go that way?

This is the DE. 51 speed, 40 agility, 28 vision

A lot of times DEs would go that way, but they run into your OT a lot sooner in his drop back. Basically they get to him and force engagement before he can drop back as far

An interesting strategy for a DE with the current SIM would be to have a ton of speed, but shit vision and agility. Basically, have DE fail vision checks and get off line slowly as OL drops to create the pocket, then he flies to the QB because of the huge gap between OG and OT.
It happened again, with another terrible DE:

I can't complain too much I guess, but it's just annoying to see your dot do things that don't make sense.

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