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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > question what is too much str. for a OT ?
Matt Cline #8
my lvl
48 OT has

105 str.
74 blocking
69 agility
51 speed
48 stam.
49 vison
46 conf.
build is not open tho
has 79 pancakes this season so far tho

so what should i put 4 points of EQ in ? agility or blocking or keep it going with str. ?
If you're going to keep blk/agi that low, you'll want to use great blocker and bring agility to 73. But as a ROT, I think that would be sufficient to keep adding into strength and make a pancake beast for the run game.

With quick release, in the level 50 range I've found 80 blocking, 75 agility is sufficient for pass blocking but maybe that changes at higher levels
I think he was a LT? I'd probably put some points in blocking and agility. I agree with 75 agility, for the most part you can get by with that. 74 blocking seems low I'd rather have around 90 but my LT's strength is lower also.
Matt Cline #8
yes ok ok , so more blocking

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