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I think my guy is on the right track

Trint Sturdivant (Lv. 35 OT)
Ht/Wt: 6'4", 297lbs


Physical Attributes
Strength: 73.88 (71.88 natural)
Speed: 31
Agility: 73.88
Jumping: 10
Stamina: 25.84
Vision: 48.88
Confidence: 38.88

Football Skills
Blocking: 96.88 (75.88 natural)
Catching: 8
Tackling: 24.84
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities

Pass Blocking Abilities (Custom EQ + Protector AEQ)
Pass Block: 1
Shock Block: 1
Foundation: 1
Absorb Pain: 1
Protector: 3

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 0
Get Low: 0
Hands: 0
Cut Block: 0
Pancake: 0

Veteran Abilities
Motivational Speaker: 2
Pass Blocker: 6
Edited by catcher_0_3 on Aug 19, 2009 21:50:45
He looks good. It looks like you flip-flop capped him, rather than powering through to a high cap on each primary attribute... if that is the case, I would have only done that differently. He'd have sucked for his first 3 seasons (as a LOT), but he would be a little better in the long run.
Originally posted by Warlock
He looks good. It looks like you flip-flop capped him, rather than powering through to a high cap on each primary attribute... if that is the case, I would have only done that differently. He'd have sucked for his first 3 seasons (as a LOT), but he would be a little better in the long run.

I don't think that makes him all that much better. I think he looks pretty darn good.
Originally posted by Darren McFadden
I don't think that makes him all that much better. I think he looks pretty darn good.

Actually, after looking over the math... it looks like he went blocking to 68, strength to 68 and then agility to 73. I probably would have gone agility first, followed by blocking, then strength... this would have put agility at ~80, blocking at ~72 and strength at ~68.

I think that this would look better...


Physical Attributes
Strength: 70.88 (68.88 natural)
Speed: 31
Agility: 80.88
Jumping: 10
Stamina: 25.84
Vision: 48.88
Confidence: 38.88

Football Skills
Blocking: 92.88 (71.88 natural)
Catching: 8
Tackling: 24.84
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

That's about where he would be, if he went agility to 73 right off the bat.

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