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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > LVL.47 please rate
well it sucks that you didn't 2nd cap strength one level earlier. lost one SP there. not a lot of synergies with your AEQ and a lot of points spent on your LB SAs already. plus a crappy roll with the 10s in throwing and kicking. overall he's a barely mediocre build. I'd focus on getting the most out of him for this season and maybe next before retiring him. that probably entails getting rid of the blitz eq and either the first step or blitz or even both. try to find a monster hit piece and maybe a make tackle % piece and move the sure tackler and long reach VAs into ballhawk and power tackler. 2nd cap vision and then increase either strength or tackling until you retire. split level 48 eq between speed and agility.

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