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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Congratulations Crush!
Originally posted by paulvtjd
LOL! I hope he doesn't call that game. I wish I could make it down, but my wife will be 8 months pregnant come December so I just literally screwed myself from going to Lincoln.

LOL! It's nuts dude. I hope he does call the game! LOL Me and some buddies of mine went down to Lincoln for Gameday for the SC game, and that was nuts. Hell we started drinking at about 6 a.m. for the roadtrip. I think between the 3 of us, we killed a case and a half by 8 or so
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
I don't think that's all that accurate, but I'm not going to argue about it either. I will tell you this. The number 6 team as well as a couple other teams played the Crush a hell of a lot tighter than the Pain did. So, right there, your logic is out the window. Sure, your 2,3,4 teams had better records, but against weaker competition. We'll see who is the strongest next season.

I know I'm a little late here, but we just scrimmed the #2 team from the West and lost by 3. We didn't change our tactics and we started all our backups, and still only lost to their best squad by a whooping 3 points.
Originally posted by Former
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I don't think that's all that accurate, but I'm not going to argue about it either. I will tell you this. The number 6 team as well as a couple other teams played the Crush a hell of a lot tighter than the Pain did. So, right there, your logic is out the window. Sure, your 2,3,4 teams had better records, but against weaker competition. We'll see who is the strongest next season.

I know I'm a little late here, but we just scrimmed the #2 team from the West and lost by 3. We didn't change our tactics and we started all our backups, and still only lost to their best squad by a whooping 3 points.

I'm sure they fooled around and experimented and probably didn't play any starters too much. Wouldn't take it to heart, considering you are a Rutgers fan and whatnot. LOL j/k. Just talking shit. Again, I will refrain from saying a whole lot until next season. Good luck Dayton! Btw, the team that the Falcons barely beat in the offseason, we beat by 28 (we were the #6 seed). Have a good night!
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by Former
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

I don't think that's all that accurate, but I'm not going to argue about it either. I will tell you this. The number 6 team as well as a couple other teams played the Crush a hell of a lot tighter than the Pain did. So, right there, your logic is out the window. Sure, your 2,3,4 teams had better records, but against weaker competition. We'll see who is the strongest next season.

I know I'm a little late here, but we just scrimmed the #2 team from the West and lost by 3. We didn't change our tactics and we started all our backups, and still only lost to their best squad by a whooping 3 points.

We set passing 100% and blitzing to 100% and moved a few players around.
Paul Kemp
Congratulation Crush and good luck next season. I have a feeling you guys will be pretty legitimate contenders for the AA crown as well.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by paulvtjd

as a member of the gobblers, i realize that we are probably going to struggle in this league next season, but i wouldn't say the same for the hokies until I see if the huskers find out where those black shirts for the defense were buried!

LOL! I've got one word for you, bro. "BO". Coming into the 2003 season, NU's D was in the same boat, and if memory serves me correct, they were a top 25 D by season's end. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but the D can't get any worse, and our offense is solid.

Sorry bud, but "BO" is not going to turn that team around in 1 offseason.. it's just not going to happen. Maybe a couple years down the road but not next year. You are a fan of the Huskers and have high expectations.. but they are unrealistic from the outside looking in.
Originally posted by Lout84
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Originally posted by paulvtjd

as a member of the gobblers, i realize that we are probably going to struggle in this league next season, but i wouldn't say the same for the hokies until I see if the huskers find out where those black shirts for the defense were buried!

LOL! I've got one word for you, bro. "BO". Coming into the 2003 season, NU's D was in the same boat, and if memory serves me correct, they were a top 25 D by season's end. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but the D can't get any worse, and our offense is solid.

Sorry bud, but "BO" is not going to turn that team around in 1 offseason.. it's just not going to happen. Maybe a couple years down the road but not next year. You are a fan of the Huskers and have high expectations.. but they are unrealistic from the outside looking in.

Winning 8 is not unrealistic! I will be happy if we make a bowl game. Believe me when I say that I do not anticipate even making the Big 12 CS this season, and maybe not even next. I also think after this season, MU will get a wake up call after Chase Daniel is gone! I expect a 7-8 win season, not including a bowl game. 3 sure losses are TT (although an upset is possible), OU, and MU (again, in Lincoln, upset is possible).

I think we beat VaTech. And yes, I'm a Husker fan, and we do have high expectations, and if they are not met, we keep 'em for the next season!
I still think krwynn is an egotistical jackass.....
Originally posted by rwhit12
I still think krwynn is an egotistical jackass.....

Take that over being insignificant any day. Congrats.

tha stew
Significant in the wrong way,
Originally posted by tha stew
Significant in the wrong way,

Thats according to you. Which by my account means squat.
Last edited Jun 4, 2008 19:09:53
Dang Pain, I was rooting for yall!

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