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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Orangebloods vs Crush
IMO today is a duel Championship game, both Conference and League. Going to be hard to beat you twice and as I've said before I think you'll pull the upset. Great matchup. Paul Kemp has been a class act(not everything is how it first seems) . GL guys.
Good game Austin.
GG Bloods!
Paul Kemp
We scrambled around and did absolutely everything possible to try to make up for the difference in levels between our team and yours. I felt like we'd have a chance to overcome it if you didn't have really solid builds. I also noticed your relatively low salary across the board and thought that if we got all of our Lv. 16's their Lv. 16 upgrade, that would help as well. I speculated that most of your guys probably hadn't done so yet.

Well, obviously you guys know your shit and it's not just the talent disparity that has kept you on top. Great win. Yo took our best shot twice. Congratulations on the promotion. Represent us well next season.

Originally posted by Paul Kemp
We scrambled around and did absolutely everything possible to try to make up for the difference in levels between our team and yours. I felt like we'd have a chance to overcome it if you didn't have really solid builds. I also noticed your relatively low salary across the board and thought that if we got all of our Lv. 16's their Lv. 16 upgrade, that would help as well. I speculated that most of your guys probably hadn't done so yet.

Well, obviously you guys know your shit and it's not just the talent disparity that has kept you on top. Great win. Yo took our best shot twice. Congratulations on the promotion. Represent us well next season.

Thank you. GL to you also. Hopefully we'll see you in AA soon. You all had a tremendous season and have an extremely well built and competitive team (IMO the second best team in the league). Best built/tactical defense we have EVER faced. Excellent job. I'd also like to commend both teams, Crush and Austin for keeping the flames and BS to zero before this game. You've earned much respect from us for that.

Last edited Jun 1, 2008 12:25:28

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