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Well, my team went CPU at the end of this season, so I have a K that will be looking for a new team

Here are some things I will be looking for in a team:

1. An active forum. I believe that an active team forum really brightens up this game and makes it much more enjoyable
2. Help with equipment costs. I realise that equipment is getting really expensive, but I would at least like to be able to upgrade a few pieces. He actually has almost 1 mil in cash from a previous team folding and handing out cash before it went CPU, still won't cover it all though.
3. A winning team. I don't necessarily need a team that will be in playoff contention, but a team that could pull a .500 season would be nice.
5. Starting position. Kinda obvious for a kicker, but I wouldn't have it here if it didn't happen

what I bring to the team:

1. An active agent. I am on multiple times daily. I always keep up on gameplans and adjust my settings accordingly
2. A solid forum contributor. While I may not start many discussions, I almost always participate in them.
3. An understanding individual. Something need to be done that I don't like? That's ok. I'm always up for a civilised discussion. I'm not one of those bonehead agents that run screaming to the main forum about not getting playing time.

I will be hoping for a 1 year deal, just so I can make sure your team is a good fit for my K. If you are interested post here, but please also send me a pm as I am much more likely to respond to those. Thanks for your time.

tl : dr? got a K, need a team. Thanks

bumping to the top, please also note that I do boost every season

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