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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Defensive Line > CAP 31 Teams - Package deal of 4 Level 30 Players - CB, FS, LB, NT
I'm looking to have ALL FOUR of these players join a CAP31 team next season.

These are NONBOOSTING players, so I am looking only for max PT, but if they deserve to start on your team, I expect them to. They will all need Level 32 EQ sometime next season.

CB -

(one of the better CBs for his level, S9 MVP and a very good S10)

FS -

LB -

NT -

Again, these are NONBOOSTING players, who will NEVER boost and NEVER have custom. I just want there to be no confusion on that

Please PM me if interested. Please do not PM me if you aren't going to be a CAP31 team.

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