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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 30 MLB/LOLB
Thoughts? Where to go next?

this is with EQ

Physical Attributes
Strength: 51.93
Speed: 73.77
Agility: 72.93
Jumping: 21.77
Stamina: 32.93
Vision: 49.93
Confidence: 30.93

Football Skills
Blocking: 16.77
Catching: 16.77
Tackling: 50.93
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 10
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 2
Aura of Intimidation: 2
Diving Tackle: 2
Monster Hit: 1
Defense General: 1

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 1
The Glare: 1
Shed Blocks: 0
Swat Ball: 0
Big Sack: 0

not nearly enough strength at this level for a MLB, mines slowbuilding ten levels lower and her strength is 20 above yours
you are going to have to decide whether to stay inside or play on the left. you can play right and middle, but not left and middle.

what are his speed and agility without eq?
61.77 and 62.93, respectively

It's not the best build in the world, as it was my very first one. The owners seem to like him though, so I haven't retired him yet.

Do you think he'd would be better on the left or in the middle? I definitely need more vision if it's the left.
Edited by gosouthgohard on Jul 27, 2009 19:14:40
middle by a long shot imo. if you want him on the left you'll need to get speed, agility, and vision to the third caps which is a tall order. for middle you can second cap strength and tackling and then work on one to the third, and second cap vision at some point as well.

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