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Physical Attributes
Strength: 106.66 (85.66)
Speed: 49.31
Agility: 63.48
Jumping: 10
Stamina: 52.35
Vision: 64.48 (63.48)
Confidence: 51.48

Football Skills
Blocking: 80.66 (74.66)
Catching: 10
Tackling: 17.48
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 10

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
Pass Block: 4
Strong Arm: 3
Shock Block: 3
Foundation: 2
Line General: 3

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 5 (4)
Get Low: 5 (4)
Hands: 5 (4)
Cut Block: 3 (2)
Pancake: 9 (4)

Veteran Abilities
Great Blocker: 15
Natural Leader: 9
Red Zone Freak: 15
btw, I guess my gripe with him is that he doesn't get that many pancakes, and he tends to just stand around and look confused...
Well, if your biggest worry is cakes, and it shouldn't be, his strength is low for his level. That said, cakes aren't everything. 3rd cap agility and 2nd cap speed, you should see him stop standing around and get to the second level to block LBs. I am almost certain that a higher (2nd cap at least, 3rd even better) confidence (will have to sacrifice vision to do this) will play a huge role in cakes, doing a test build on it now. I will keep the forum updated.

Edit: Also, at the higher levels it is very hard to put up good pancake numbers at C. You have to be built for them and the pass blocking will suffer for it unless you have a stud RG beside you.

This build I am going high STR, at level 56, he will have 137.46 strength, and that is if I don't pick up any +STR AEQ.
Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 24, 2009 12:52:44
Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 24, 2009 12:46:14
Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 24, 2009 12:41:10
Originally posted by ColeWestgate
Well, if your biggest worry is cakes, and it shouldn't be, his strength is low for his level. That said, cakes aren't everything. 3rd cap agility and 2nd cap speed, you should see him stop standing around and get to the second level to block LBs. I am almost certain that a higher (2nd cap at least, 3rd even better) confidence (will have to sacrifice vision to do this) will play a huge role in cakes, doing a test build on it now. I will keep the forum updated.

Edit: Also, at the higher levels it is very hard to put up good pancake numbers at C. You have to be built for them and the pass blocking will suffer for it unless you have a stud RG beside you.

This build I am going high STR, at level 56, he will have 137.46 strength, and that is if I don't pick up any +STR AEQ.

Thanks for the info, I understand he is going up against the strongest in the middle, I just want to see him lay out some lineman. He doesn't give up sacks, so he does have that going for him.

Also, that build is out of control. How have you upped those attributes so much by level 9?
Edited by John Smashtown on Jul 24, 2009 14:38:36
Edited by John Smashtown on Jul 24, 2009 14:38:18
Originally posted by John Smashtown

Also, that build is out of control. How have you upped those attributes so much by level 9?

Well, it was a combination of a few things:

-using a re roller until I was satisfied with 8's where they could be, a high strength (29 if I remember correctly), and a good height/weight
-I created him on day 42 (41 would have been better, but I was rolling for a damn QB all day that has now been retired) to get the most out of training
-had a long off season, helped training
-didn't boost one season, this might come to bite me in the ass later on, probably will
-biggest thing, bonus token boosting when needed to hit a cap early (this is what really makes the difference when slow building/cap building)

wow! I got really excited when I found this game and make about 6 players right away, and then two a little later on, but I wasn't checking the forums really so I didn't know about slow building...

Anyway I am trying it with a FS now, and I thought I had it under control, but now I am not so sure...
btw i have 24 SP that I am waiting to cap vision with

Anyway, I think I see what I was missing...
-I had no idea that you could get a roll where you had 20+ points in an attribute
-I was a starter on a peewee team, so I lvl'd up too quickly
-I have not been training on intense. I wanted to really focus on speed so I elected to train it every day, and then once I got it to where I wanted it, I felt like it would be better to train vision quickly b/c my speed was negated by the fact that I couldn't recognize a run until the HB was past the line of scrimmage.

Anyway, I think I can still save him. I am building a couple new players soon and all of this info will be really helpful, thanks!
Edited by John Smashtown on Jul 25, 2009 10:11:53
Starting every game is not a bad thing, I guess it is more cap building that I am doing. He has started every game for 2 seasons now, you do want max XP.

Also with the training I tried something different, for str (or whatever attribute you will cap first). I trained on regular while picking up shopping tokens. This will get you to cap slightly faster, just be sure to save the tokens until you are a bit higher level (at least 16, some say 30+, some 40+). I built all of my lower level players this way and I like how the builds are coming. After taking the ability to first cap (str in the example) I trained it to roll over (had it at 95+%) and take advantage of the saved 2 SP, then continue training it on intense with blocking until at 95+% again, then moved to blk/agility. Same deal with blocking, but moved to intense blk/agility. Now on agility/speed and agility/stamina, keeping speed/stam close.


- trained on reg & token until I could first cap, then intense for the rest of career (if I can find some nice equip at lvl32)
- spend bonus tokens if you need the to hit a cap (needed one token boost a couple times in the build)

Other examples of this type of build:

MLB (3rd capping agility, then moving to vision/strength/tackling)

Pass rush DT (3rd capping str, then speed)

LDE (4th capping agility, then 3rd str)(screwed up his training, should have done agility stamina, will work out later, just wasn't optimum)

NT (3rd capping agility, then tackling/speed)

I don't know if this build strategy will work out, but thought I would try it anyway.

Highest attribute roll guide:

Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 25, 2009 23:42:02
Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 25, 2009 23:39:47
Nice, this is all gold. I really appreciate it.

Ok one more question if you don't mind...

How are you going to name your dudes after these wicked bass players and not have a Steve Harris or a Geddy Lee?
Edited by John Smashtown on Jul 26, 2009 13:28:39
Originally posted by John Smashtown
How are you going to name your dudes after these wicked bass players and not have a Steve Harris or a Geddy Lee?

LOL, I did have 15 dudes I was slowbuilding, but decided to retire most of them:

Geddy Lee
Bootsey Collins
Larry Graham
Colin Greenwood
Steve Harris
Sir Paul
Jeff Ament

I know I am forgetting 1 or 2...

Originally posted by ColeWestgate
Originally posted by John Smashtown

How are you going to name your dudes after these wicked bass players and not have a Steve Harris or a Geddy Lee?

LOL, I did have 15 dudes I was slowbuilding, but decided to retire most of them:

Geddy Lee
Bootsey Collins
Larry Graham
Colin Greenwood
Steve Harris
Sir Paul
Jeff Ament

I know I am forgetting 1 or 2...

+1 internets for Steve Harris

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