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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 59. what do you think. LOLB
Physical Attributes
Strength: 59.26
Speed: 88.55
Agility: 84.77
Jumping: 51.36
Stamina: 43.84
Vision: 64.14
Confidence: 49.26

Football Skills
Blocking: 20.07
Catching: 48.07
Tackling: 63.83
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 9
Punting: 10

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 2
Aura of Intimidation: 2
Diving Tackle: 2
Monster Hit: 4
Defense General: 0

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 3
The Glare: 3
Shed Blocks: 3
Swat Ball: 3
Big Sack: 3

Veteran Abilities
Ball Hawk: 15
Quick: 15
Football Genius: 15
Heavyweight: 1
Jackhammer: 1
with so much in football genius I'd think you want to get vision to the third cap. I'd try to get speed over 90 via your next eq upgrade. Then second cap strength. After that, it's hard to say. I don't know that you can do much that would make a big difference, I suppose it depends on scheme and such. Higher diving tackle if you miss a lot of them, monster hit if you make a lot of tackles, swat ball if you need to up the deflect %, shed blocks if you need to be better against the run.
I still have EQ upgrades on my current level, but my team owners aren't the best and won't dish out the money.

But other then that, you think its a good build?
Good build - how does he do in coverage? I would definitely finish vision to the third cap
I think it's ok. There are some nitpicky things...strength is not second capped, but it's close. Vision should be higher. Speed could be higher to take advantage of agility. Your CE would probably help more in hard hitter than pass rush. Etc.

Overall it's an ok build. No need to retire, but don't make the same mistakes with your next LB.
Yeah, I agree with you on the CE thing, I was going a different route when I put my CE into that.

I have two upgrades left from EQ so I'm going to put those into speed, and every other level up that I get an EQ bonus.

Then with points I'll put them towards strength and train vision.
Slightly redone

Physical Attributes
Strength: 57.26
Speed: 90.55
Agility: 84.77
Jumping: 51.36
Stamina: 43.84
Vision: 64.14
Confidence: 49.26

Football Skills
Blocking: 20.07
Catching: 48.07
Tackling: 64.83
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 9
Punting: 10

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 3
Aura of Intimidation: 3
Diving Tackle: 3
Monster Hit: 5
Defense General: 1

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 2
The Glare: 2
Shed Blocks: 2
Swat Ball: 2
Big Sack: 2

Veteran Abilities
Ball Hawk: 15
Quick: 15
Football Genius: 15
Heavyweight: 1
Jackhammer: 2
Any comments on the switch Darren?
sorry I had missed your update, let me look.
Generally I think it's an improvement. Strength to the cap next is logical. I think you shouldn't have put another point into tackling, that would have helped you get strength over the cap at the next level. I don't know that training vision is all that efficient, maybe train it up to 95% and then third cap it (after strength). I think you get better value training jumping and either stamina or catching.
Edited by Darren McFadden on Jul 24, 2009 14:05:49
K, so, cap off strength. And I trained tackling, it was close to fully trained, so I got that out of the way, no points used.

Strength to next cap.

Third cap Vision.

Train jumping/Stamina/ Catching.
ok that's better then. yea I mean there just isn't a lot you can do that's all that much more efficient. i found third capping vision to be quite a bit more noticeable than i thought which is why i recommend it. and i've seen some guys with almost 80 vision recently that are ridiculous.

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